Introduction: Who am I as a Writer?

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I am the girl who was beaten and knocked down by all those around 

I am the one girl who stood up for others even though no others stood up for me

I am the one who mastered lying from an early age because I realized that no matter what adults say;

telling the truth gets you in more trouble

That one girl who excelled in writing essays when nobody else did because teachers always preferred reading lies over truths

Though beaten and battered

in a world so bland and hateful,

I wished simply

for magic and dragons

for fairies and epic quests

A place where everyone you're nice to is nice back in return

Where injuries heal too fast and promises mean something

I write because the world is so bland and boring and cruel,

I know I have a gift

I am that one kid from "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" that can see his dreams and project them onto a wall but instead of seeing the future, I see other universes

I can open doors to see places nobody else can dream about because they have lost their spark

They are the armies that give up when they're outnumbered,

but I am not

I am a warrior that fights for justice across all the universes

I am not just a writer,

I am an author.


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