Burning Desire

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Challenge: write a poem using repetition and be sure to include at least one use of contrasting words.


Orbs of many colors

Scales ever-swapping

Never gone.

Musical and freeing.

Hard and sturdy.

Flapping and floating.

Notes of hurting

Or of joy to the world

Orbs of yellow seek

Our fire in question

Distasteful of all

Abandoned and cold

Free to the world.

Free to see.

Free to point at and laugh.

Free to discourage or degrade.

Free to hurt smaller yellow orbs.

Free to make a mockery of


Importance to me.

Orbs of red, mine

The world all burns

In glorious destruction

The blazing beauty

Harms all but me

I have tough scales

Both sing their pride

Orbs of blood

As ashes rise up

Yin and Yang

Above the rest

Victorious roars rise over mountains high

Fall back down

Protected orbs of dandelion


All scales abandoned at birth.

Shielded again

Personal strength in numbers

Orbs of poppy used right


Overall thoughts? Good or Bad?


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