Part 3

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(Your POV)

"_______!" Mom yelled

I went downstairs and asked, "What?"

"You're going to school tomorrow" she said

"What?! But I don't even have books, pencils or any school supplies!" I said

"That's why we're going shopping today" she said

Shopping? With my mom?

"Okay, I'll just change" I said as I went to my room.

I just took some random shirt and put on some jeans and Vans shoes.

I grabbed my jacket, my purse and went downstairs.

"Just wait for me in the car" Mom said

I nodded and went outside of the house.

Suddenly, I saw Greyson walking with his dog.

Should I go? Should I say hi? Should I hide?

I hid my face but he saw me.

"_____!" he yelled

"Oh hi Greyson!" I said as I smiled

He came to me and asked, "You live here?"

I nodded and said, "Yup"

"Oh, I just live right over there..." he said, pointing the house across ours.


"Oh, that's...great...well-"

"______! We need to go now! I told you to get inside the car!" Mom yelled while locking the door.

I sighed and said, "Sorry about that... Uh.. I think I need to go now..."

"Okay, I'll see you later! Wait, do you wanna go to the park later?" he asked

"Sure but I don't know when we're coming back..." I said

"Don't worry... I'll just look out of the window" he said as he smiled

"Okay, see you Greyson..." I said as I smiled

He smiled and walked away.

I smiled and went inside the car.

Mom started the car and we drove.

"Who was the guy?" she asked

"He's a friend..." I said

She didn't say anything, she just continued driving.

After 5 minutes, we were at the mall.

We went to this store full of school supplies.

"Okay, so here's the money that you need. I'll just grab our lunch" Mom said, handing me a wallet.

I grabbed a cart and bought everything I needed for school.

I bought new books too!!!

After paying for them, I saw my mom waiting for me by the food court.

"You're done?" she asked

I nodded and we went home.

Mom parked our car in the garage and we went inside of our house.

"Mom, can I go to the park with Greyson?" I asked

"Who's Greyson?" she asked

"The guy that I was talking to before we left" I said

"Okay" she said

I put my shopping bags in my room and decided to fix my things later.

"________! Greyson's here!" Mom yelled

I smiled and went downstairs.

"See you later Mom..." I said

"Yeah whatever" she said

She closed the door and me and Greyson went to the park.

"Greyson, I'm sorry about" I said quietly

"It's okay... But I was just wondering....why does she talk to you like that?" he asked

"You don't have to answer me if you don't want to" he said quickly

"It's okay... My mom started being like that to me when my dad died... She started gambling, and losing her money..." I explained

"I'm so sorry about your Dad..." he said

"It's okay.. It was a long time ago..." I said

We talked until we reached the park. We sat by the tree and watched the sunset together.

"Well, uh, when are you gonna start school?" he asked

"Tomorrow..." I said

"Great! We can walk to school together!" he said

I smiled and said, "Thanks but I'll probably get lost in the school..."

"Don't worry, I'll give you a tour..." he said

"You know that you're my very first friend since I came here?" I asked

"Really? Well, I'm honored to be your friend. I know that you'll make a lot of friends here," he said

I giggled and said, "I don't think I will... I'm a nerd and people won't like me about that"

"No, of course they'll like you." he said

"With my glasses and my one will..." I said

"Trust me, they will.. Who told you that?" he asked

"When I was in Arizona, everybody made fun of me because of my grades and I didn't have any friends..." I said

"I'm sorry... But I know that'll you'll have friends here. If they will tease you, just tell me..." he said as he smiled

"Thanks Greyson..." I said

He hugged me and I was shocked.

I turned all red and decided to hug him back.

He pulled away and he smiled.

I was still red so I put my head down.

"We should go now... It's getting late..." he said

"Yeah we should... My mom might think I ran away from home" I said

He stood up and helped me out.

"Thanks..." I muttered as I smiled

We were walking home and felt his hand on mine and my heart started beating so fast.

"Well, I'll just call you okay?" he asked

"But you don't even know my number..." I said

"Oh, well can I have your number?" he asked

"Sure" I said as I smiled

We exchanged numbers and we continued walking home.

"I'll see you tomorrow..." he said, giving me a hug.

I hugged him back and said, "See you..."

He pulled away and said, "Thanks _____"

"For what?" I asked

"Hanging out with me..." he said

I smiled and said, "No problem.."

He smiled and walked across the street.

I went inside my house and went straight to my room.

I can't believe he hugged me... Two times...

Is this a sign of having a crush on someone?

I don't really know cause this is my first time...believe it or not..

But still, I think I'm starting to like him...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2013 ⏰

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