Chapter 1. The beginning

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The morning of the entrance exam was a long one. After my third alarm I got up, tired as hell and still slow from the little sleep of the night.

After breakfast and a cold shower I was up and running. I got dressed, black crop top with a mushroom on the front, black shorts, and my good sneakers.

As I head to the door I tie my hair up in a bun. I grab my bag, lock the door and start my walk towards U.A. High.

As I approach the school so many others join me, a mix of emotions all around; anxious, excited, scared, confident, etc.

I shake out my own anxiety as I get closer. Finally I was here, I've waited so long just for the chance and now I get it.

Everyone is taken into rooms, maybe a dozen in each. I take a seat in the corner and take some deep breaths, waiting for the announcements to start.

"Hey, are you alright?" I look up to a redhead standing in front of me, his smile was sharp but comforting. "Yes I am, just a little nervous I guess" he sits down beside me "me too, but I'm sure whatever happens, things will work out." I nod softly to his remark. "I agree."

"I'm Kirishima" he puts his hand out to shake. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jasper" I return his handshake. Just then a voice echoed throughout the room.
"Welcomeeeee to the U.A. High school entrance exammmmm!!!!"  The voice seemed to be exaggerated a bit, this man was yelling into the mic.

After all the rules were explained everyone got up, and made way to the doors that would lead us to the actual exam.

We all crowded around, looking at one another in anticipation, "good luck" I whisper to kirishima just as the doors open.

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