Chapter 2. Black out

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We all rushed through, being careful not to be trampled I reach my arm out, pulling out a long chain from my arm; this was my quirk. The ability to summon different sizes and strengths of chains from my body, use them and control them in any way I choose. I hook my chain to a lamp post and swing myself forward.

Looking around everyone was already fighting the giant bots we were up against, I look around and go for the closest one to me, wrapping chains around it's large build, in one quick second the machine is crushed, onto the next.

I start to sprint, looking for new bots to destroy, as I turn a corner I am met with a blast.

Hit back a little, I catch myself on the sidewalk, "watch it!" I yell over the rubble falling. Im met with glaring red eyes

"What did you say?" His voice was harsh, angry. "I said watch it" I snap and go back on my way "you're wasting my time" I huff as I pass him.

Bot after bot, I don't know how many I crushed but in one moment everyone froze, a very large bot towered over everyone, a boy with green hair charged at it, knocking it down but now he was falling, and so was the bot.

I started running towards the scene, the robot was going to drop onto the other kids, as I pass by the green haired boy was slapped by a girl, she stopped his fall with her quirk.

Getting behind the bot I pull chains out, wrapping around the bot as many times as I could, barely holding it up as others get out of the way of the bot. I crush it into a smaller shape and put it down on the empty fake street.

"The exam is oovveerrrrr!!!" The loud man said through the speaker.
All the bots powered down and so do I.
As everyone starts to head out, I take a step to go with them and fall to the ground. I blacked out.

When I wake up, I'm the an infirmary. I look around a sigh softly. "Damn it" I mutter and sit up. "Oh you're up!" A little old lady chimes, she walks over "how are you feeling?" She asks as she sits down.

"I feel fine, I overused my quirk is all" I say swing my legs off the bed. "Am I okay to leave?" I ask, looking around again I see the green haired boy in the next bed. "Yes you are, you will be contacted about your scores shortly" she states and I get up "thank you" I say and head out of her office. I walk down the hallway and out the main door. I took a breath in and slowly let it out before heading home.

I am going to die (BakugouXoc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin