chapter 5/2

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He sent such a nice car to pick me up and it left me in shock because I had only seen those kinds of a car only in the movies.The driver opened the door for me ,and I couldn't believe it as I had always wished to be treated like a princess .The restaurant he booked was undescribable as you can tell from the outside that only millionaires ate there.We arrived at the restaurant and he was waiting for me by the door looking so handsome and stunning,in black which was my favorite color.My dress got him on the knees, he went speechless .He came close and whispered "you look beautiful" and I was all blushing and smiling like crazy.He showed me the table he booked as it was decorated with red roses ,it was so classy/fancy. We enjoyed , getting to know each other better .And we drunk alot of wine that we both got drunk  especially me.At that moment he couldn't have sent me back to the hotel on my own.

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