chapter 10

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On Monday ,I booked a flight for Friday .I told Jimin that on Friday I'll be leaving and he said he'll be with me from Wednesday to thursday. I asked him on the call ,"why can't you come today and leave later on Thursday?.he said,"I'm at work today so I can't come ".I kept on asking what kind of work is he doing and he wasn't telling .We started arguing on the call and he said he will tell me when he comes on Wednesday .He switched off the call .I was left questioning myself,like why can't he tell me on the phone.

Strange, at night he didn't call and even in the morning .That frustrated me and  I called him but he didn't pick up as he was with his girlfriend .I was so upset that I wrote him a dirtiest paragraph,I was crying and regretting having s** with him.

NaoMin 💜momentsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt