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Andie had stopped answering our questions again, but I knew that we would see her soon enough.

"Well I can see why you trust that woman." Melissa retorted with her arms crossed over her chest.

"If you trust me, then you should have no problem in trusting someone else that you barely know." I defended slightly annoyed.

"You're different Sarge." Johnny said from behind the wheel.

"How so John boy?" 

"Since day one you have treated us like your family and we respect you, but we know nothing about this Andie person." Melissa answered for her brother.

"Plus you kept Melissa from killing me." Amber said as if anyone had asked her.

"True, but the moment your ass gets bit I will not hesitate to kill you." She said as she leaned back over the center console.

"In that case I would let her, but that's not going to happen." 

"How can you be so sure that it won't?" John asked with a small laugh.

"Because we are going to work as a unit and if that means that we have to protect Amber like a child then so be it, because I am not letting any of you get attacked." I answered sternly.

"Alright Sarge, but I think with a little more practice she will be able to take care of herself." Mel said and to be honest I was shocked. "That is if she sticks to the training."

Take bets, my guess is that she will last two more days before she quits.

"How much longer till we get to the next town?" I asked as I looked over to my sleeping daughter. "We have to feed the littles soon."

"Maybe we should stop and get some food for ourselves." Johnny suggested with a small smirk. "That way we know that we have enough."

"I don't know about that, you and Amber got enough food to last us for at least a couple of months, but if you want to get something to eat be my guest."

I should have offered that first, but I wasn't really hungry after seeing Christopher; I guess I shouldn't have assumed that I wasn't the only one.

"Have we made it to the next town or what?" Melissa asked as she looked out her window.

"According to this, we are about a mile away maybe two give or take." Her brother answered as he looked at his phone that was leaning against the dash.

"Alright, at your first opportunity we need to stop, we have to keep them on their schedule if we want them to keep sleeping through the night." I said remembering what hell we went through the first month on the road.

We weren't prepared enough for taking care of two small children, while trying to avoid Crawlers and keeping everyone from trying to kill each other in the process.

Now you know why I didn't write down what happened for that month, it would have just been me describing myself going crazy.

"Please tell me that's not what I think it is." Mel said as she looked over to a large field filled with...Crawlers?

"A pasture filled with starving Crawlers? Sorry sis, but I think that's exactly what that is." He sounded shocked at the shear amount of them.

The whole field was covered in them, some were dead and being eaten by others, majority where just standing there as if waiting for someone to fall into their pin.

"Its like a fucking Crawler farm." She said disgusted.

"That would explain why last night was so Crawler heavy." 

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