Chapter 2: The Cracked Wooden Door

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 The police took me as my father went into handcuffs. The police try to sugar coat my father going to prison and my mother being dead. But I knew, There wasn’t much to hide. I mean I saw it with my own eyes, do they think i am stupid or something? Anyways…

The police had brought me into the foster care system. They brought me to this 4 story red brick house. Dead plants and leaves surrounded the area. The wooden door seemed to be cracked. The place smelled like rat poison and dog shit. 

 As we entered, kids were running around playing tag or drawing on the walls. Laughter filled the room as I frowned at the sight. I covered my ears. I knew my father would never allow this. I understood why though, it was irritating. 

The next 6 years were horrifyingly obnoxious, kids would ask me to play or “try” to be nice to me. It was painfully obvious that they were pretending though, they just wanted a sticker for being a “Good” human being. Not for the goodness of others, just for themselves. 

I would sit and draw, minding my own business. While the other kids would talk about me. They would talk about my parents and some made light comments on how I was unwanted. 

So much for being nice, That is one thing wrong with this society. You can pretend to be a good person and be rewarded. Even though you did it for your own selfish needs and wants. Not out of the goodness of their heart. 

There was one woman who decided to foster me for the time being. It was this lonely old woman, who was sweet. I actually took a liking to her, even if she burnt anything she put in the oven and had the thickest glasses in the world. 

She was petite and had short curly white hair. She would wear long pastel dresses with sandals. Her teeth were faked and she smelled like cherry blossoms. She would tuck me into bed and help me build lego houses. I loved her, she then decided to adopt me 4 months later. 

I helped her with dishes and daily chores while achieving academic success in school. But as they say, all good things must come to an end…

April 18, 1989, I had to say goodbye. It was a foggy night, around 8:40 whenever the incident happened. She went to turn the light by the doorstep on, but she tripped while going down the stairs. All I heard was a big crash, as I ran to see the problem. I just saw her laying there. 

I ran down and sat by her side. She wasn’t breathing, she wasn’t moving, she wasn’t there. I got up to the house phone and dialed 911. 

“Hello, what's your emergency?” A tired lady answered the phone. She sighed. “Hello?”

“She’s dead…” I explained. “She’s not moving… I think she broke her neck.”

“What's your address?” 

“I don’t know.” 

“Okay, well stay on the line with me and we will find you.” She said, panicked. I tugged on the phone cord as she asked me questions about what happened. Soon enough the police had arrived. I put the phone down as I sat next to her.

“I’m going to miss you..” I whimpered, trying not to cry. Police started banging on the door, then opening it. They saw me cuddled up, laying down with her. She was cold, very cold.

After that, I trusted no one and I loved no one. I rarely spoke. I went back into the rusted building, with the cracked wooden door. Oh gosh, I hated that place.

Kids started bullying me about the incident, I never showed a reaction though. I usually spent my time building lego houses, like we used too. The other kids would spread away from me like I was a virus, if they were to be friends with me, I would kill them.

Then one day, a kid with curly brown hair walked up to me. 

“Why do you even stay here? Ugly pig…. I bet you wanted her to die. You know, people are starting to think that you pushed her down those stairs.” He mocked. 

“I mean, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” he laughed. Rage filled from inside me as I stood up trying to walk away. 

“And you still play with legos? How pathetic. No wonder she died, I bet she died just to get away from you… I coul-” He stuttered. I grabbed the collar of his shirt, throwing him to the ground. 

I got on top of him, throwing punches. Left and right, just like him…

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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