The First Appearance|chapter 1|

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Sun's pov:
Normal day at the daycare as always, kids come in and play, leave a mess, i clean it up, they leave, i rest, kids come back again, it's naptime and moon takes care of them. If moon wasn't here i would've been exhausted! Thank god he's my brother, i would've been doomed otherwise. Everything's going great! Lunar has his own body, bloodmoon are our friends now, Moon is happy and eclipse is gone! Everything is going smoothly, just as wanted. I hope this never ends..
and it ended.
"Lunar! What was that sound!?" i said while jumping in the ballpit from the tower "d-don't worry about it...! Heh..."i heard lunar say in a shivering voice, meaning that something has happened." i'm coming to you. We can't mess around just because Moon isn't here right now!"i said in a more, let's say serious tone. I saw Lunar was standing next to the computers.... Shivering while looking at the screen." please tell me you didn't go in watt.... Pad.... " i stopped speaking as i saw 2 figures in the computer, looking at us. I pulled lunar away and grabbed the weapons in the bottom drawer "lunar, what happened." i said turning my head towards lunar who was frightened "i-i don't know! I wanted to play flappy bird but then-" lunar stopped mid-sentence, his eyes widened and his grip on me became tighter. I looked infront of us and saw 2 familiar figures "n-no.. That can't be!" i said, putting lunar behind me "You! I thought we defeated you!" i angrily said, eyes furrowed "oh.. You THOUGHT you defeated me, but i'm still alive~" Eclipse said, walking towards me and lunar. I took a step back, causing lunar to fall and bring me down with him "oh no..! Poor little Sunny and Lunar fell! Do you need help?~" Eclipse said to us, mockingly. I hated that of course and bit his hand which was standing infront of us "OW! YOU FUCKER!" Eclipse said furiously, about to tackle us before- "now now Eclipse, the fun hasn't even started! Calm yourself." the unknown figure said to Eclipse, placing his hand on his shoulder. "sorry Lunar.." Eclipse said while calming himself down and taking a step back. "what..?" i whispered under my breath "Sun.. I'm scared" Lunar said, still trembling "oh? The poor little Lunar is scared half to death! Poor baby~" The other Lunar said while bending down to get closer. I kicked him near the crotch area, causing him to fall knees first "O-OW-! WHAT THE FUCK!?" The other Lunar yelled "told you, Sun isn't very gullible." Eclipse scoffed while helping the other Lunar get up "you deal with them Eclipse, i need to deal with something else" Other Lunar said while walking over to the computers, clearly in pain after what i did to him. I looked back at Eclipse, tightening my grip on Lunar to make sure he's still there. "back the fuck away, Eclipse." i said in a menacing tone which made Eclipse jolt a bit "wow.. Didn't know you had that in you~" Eclipse said with a flirty tone kinda which made me a little red but not too much. "i-i swear, if you don't back away you'll end up like other Lunar over there" i said with the most evil smile. Eclipse frowned and quickly grabbed me from the waist and threw me against the wall "GA-AH!" i yelled out from the pain, coughing up some oil. Lunar ran straight to me, making sure i wasn't highly injured "if you don't want that happening again, i advise you to shut the fuck up and obey." Eclipse said with the most menacing voice i've ever heard. It kinda made me blush but i shaked it off. I saw Eclipse come closer and grab Lunar, which made me mad, really mad.. I quickly jumped on Eclipse with all my might and pinned him down on the ground. "NGH-!" Eclipse groaned from the pain "no one, touches or hurts Lunar." i said while looking at Eclipse, dead in the eye.. I saw a little red creeping onto Eclipse's face but i thought it was because i made him angry.

Eclipse's Pov:
"no one, touches or hurts Lunar." Sun said to me while looking at me dead in the eye. I admit, seeing Sun this serious and angry kinda turned me on.. I felt a blush crawling on my face and i saw that Sun noticed it as well. "Let me go, Sun." i said aggressively to Sun "you can use me, hurt me, damage me. But you CANNOT hurt Lunar." Sun said while coming closer to my face "f-fine! Just let me go, bastard" i said trying to hide my face, feeling it get hotter. I saw from the corner of my eye, Sun smirking and letting go of my wrists "you know, if you guys wanted to flirt you could've said so." Both me and Sun turned to the computers to see Evil.Lunar looking at us while eating popcorn "We weren't flirting!" we both said at the same time, i also saw Lunar sitting beside Evil.Lunar eating popcorn with him "Lunar! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"Sun quickly got up and ran towards Lunar, cupping his face with his hands" you're not hurt, are you? " Sun said worryingly" i'm fine Sun, no need to worry" Lunar said pulling Sun's hands off his face. I walked towards Evil.Lunar "why are you sitting with him!? Aren't we supposed to kill them!?" i whispered to him "i have a soft spot for Lunar now, i can't kill the cute beann.. </3" Evil.Lunar said to me, leaning back on his chair. I face-palmed "then what the fuck are we gonna do!? We're stuck here." i complained to him while he looked more serious now "you're right..." he looked a bit more worried now, which made me feel quilty for making him sad. "it shouldn't be a problem for you though~ i see you're already getting along with Sunny-boi over there~" he told me with a smug look on his face. I blushed really hard. And smacked him which made Sun and Lunar turn around to face us "DON'T SAY THAT-!" i yelled at Evil.Lunar, not caring that the other 2 were looking at me. I felt a punch on my back, but not just a normal punch, a strong one. I turned around and saw Sun smiling "THAT is for throwing me to the wall." Sun said to me, while Evil.Lunar and Lunar were busy laughing their ass off "you little-" i said before tackling Sun to the ground "let's leave these lovebirds and go get ice cream" i heard Evil.Lunar say before they walked out of the daycare "WE'RE NOT LOVEBIRDS LUNAR!" i yelled loudly so he could hear me before i felt a kick on my stomach "A-ACK-!" i lost my balance and fell ontop of Sun. The only bad thing was, my face was really close to his which made us both blush really hard "y-you're really close Eclipse..." Sun said trying to stand but i was too heavy "y-yea, sorry" i said trying to regain my balance "but it's also your fault for hitting me so hard in the stomach." i said while placing my arm tightly over my stomach and i saw Sun chuckling "so your stomach is your weak spot, hm??~" Sun said before realizing he said it in a tone and covered his mouth "you're so lucky right now, i would've punched you." i said trying to cut the silence "hey, what's that?" Sun said to me, looking up with a worried look. I looked up and saw nothing there before feeling someone close to my neck, i looked around and saw i was cornered by Sun. "Sun, what the hell are you doing" i said in a fake angry tone, to cover up i was blushing really hard "can you answe-" before i could finish my sentence, Sun kissed me and pulled me closer by pulling my waist "m-mh~" i moaned into the kiss, feeling my face get heated up.

(Little smut starts here!)
I felt Sun slip his tongue into my mouth "mm-!~" i moaned again, trying to break the kiss. I failed, but Sun ended up breaking it, forming a string of saliva. "W-why the fuck did you kiss me!?" i yelled but not that loud "i couldn't resist, i want to do something else though~" Sun responded, making me blush harder. I turned my head the other way, thinking that he wanted to kiss again but boy was i wrong.. I fell something on my neck, before- "A-ah-!~" i looked infront of me and saw Sun kissing my neck "s-stop that..!~" i told to him, trying to hold my moans from escaping. I saw him back away, i felt relieved but deep inside i didn't want Sun to stop. I opened one eye to see what he was doing, i couldn't really see his hands.. Only his face and chest, eventually he kissed me again but this time more rough and again- with tongue. He grabbed my hands and pinned them ontop of my head and with his free hand he started to go lower and lower from my chest area "mm-mh.. ~" i kept letting out small soft moans as he kept going lower and lower. I opened my eyes and saw that his hand was on my pants, placed on my inner thigh..i broke the kiss, gasping for air "y-your hand.." i told him, looking down. I saw Sun smirk and he started rubbing my inner thigh and my dick a little too "S-SuUn..!~" i moaned out "moan my name again, sweetheart~" Sun said in a seductive way making me blush "s-stop.. R-ruUbbiNg t-there...~"i moaned out, hardly being able to talk.
Sun kissed, bit, licked, he did everything to my neck until i moaned louder in a certain spot. Sun abused that spot" A-Ah...! S-SuUnNy..!~"i couldn't stop moaning his name, or moaning in general. I felt his hand go in my pants, making me jolt "you act all tough, but when you get topped, you act gullible~" Sun said before he started to jerk me off while kissing my neck at the same time "a-ah..! S-SuuUn-!.. W-wha- a-ah- Aat, a-are you doiinNnNG-!!~" I tried to talk but i kept moaning in between the words, it felt so good that i started to form some tears in my eyes. Sun eventually stopped after i cummed a little, making me feel so relieved.. I was so tired i immediately collapsed and passed out.

Sun's pov(again):
Once i stopped jerking Eclipse off, he collapsed and passed out. I must've tired him out alot, i kinda feel bad for him. It's his fault for being so attractive though~ i only wanted to be inside him~ .. Him moaning my name was so cute, his face was so adorable when he moaned. I think he liked it though, i saw tears in his eyes and he was blushing really hard. Maybe next time i can be inside him, but first i need to clean him up and make it look like he fell asleep. I picked him up and went to the bathroom to clean the cum off his pants and my hand "god, he looks so attractive.." i whispered under my breath. I gave him a little kiss on his cheek and went to my room while i was carrying him bridal style. I placed him on my bed and waited for the other 2 Lunars to come back from getting food and ice cream, since i heard what they said. I might prank them, i'm feeling mischievous anyways..

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