Chapter 5 : Vengeance

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Thanatophobia • [than-a-toh-fobia]
The phobia of losing someone you love.



The group intruding was clearly uninvited since they don't sport any masks or any of the vibrant attires that everyone else wears. They scream and reek of ruthlessness. Vengeance.

Standing at the peak of the pack is a man who I can only assume holds the power here. My eyes scan him, trying to pull apart any aspect of him that I can. Trying to find some sort of good, but he radiates iciness—just like his eyes.

Those eyes.

They aren't looking directly at me, but even from a distance, I'm able to make out their bright blue features—a color unlike any other. They hold a kind of darkness that makes you want to burn your flesh in sunlight to bleach the feeling away. It's seeping out of him—every unsaid evil thing he's done in his lifetime.

His arms are covered in dark ink, crawling up his sleeve and out of the collar of his shirt but not going any farther than the base of his neck. They aren't clear images, but instead, symbols; icons.

The material of his shirt doesn't seem to be holding in any of the muscles that ripple down his arms and chest. His messy, rich brown hair lazily covers parts of his forehead. But the smirk across his face is sinister like he knows his presence is intimidating. Like he understands his capabilities.

Then the unthinkable happens: his eyes glance over at me. Even behind Max's body, he's able to spot me. It's only for a split second, but it happens regardless. Chills run through my bones unlike anything I've ever felt as though the icy intensity of his eyes traveled through the air and into me.

He moves his stare to King Vince and Queen Lydia who now stand between their guards, revealing themselves to their new audience. The room stays silent as everyone waits for the uninvited guests to make their next move.

What could they possibly want? And how did they manage to surpass the walls?

So many unanswered questions swirl through my thoughts, but I keep my mouth shut. Now is not the time to be making myself apparent. Drawing attention won't lead me anywhere out of this mess.

The man with ice for eyes shifts his stance, sauntering more forward as the rest of his group stays where they are. The enormous wolves stalk near the crowds who have already smashed themselves as close as they can to the walls.

Small murmurs erupt here and there, some partygoers even still scream at the sight of everything—but growls from the beasts silence them.

"Why am I not surprised, Vince," he begins, his deep voice vibrating through the thin air. "A party I wasn't invited to, once again." I involuntarily shudder as soon as his words render in my head.

"You're not welcome in Mylithia, Samuel. Leave before I ask my guards to remove you and your animals," King Vince demands angrily. Samuel laughs quietly, his bright teeth gleaming against his warm skin. For a second, he looks humane; he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would break into an event like this and ruin it for their benefit—whatever that benefit may be.

"So you're not even going to let me introduce my friends and myself?" The sarcasm is laced in every word that spills from his lips. "What a horrible host you are, Vincy. I would at least expect you to be more polite to your most honored guest."

"We formed an agreement! The Phantomridge Warriors are not permitted on human territory!" King Vince booms. Confusion instantly floods my preexisting thoughts.

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