it's 6:59 i haven't slept and i set an alarm for 8:30

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(super super short // technically horror?? // Wrote this a while ago)

It was a normal night, just like any other. No rain, not a cloud in the sky. not a sound to be heard, except for two friends. They where quite loud, annoyingly so. Talking about a test or something. However one had to go, for their parents where home. It was late anyways so she went to bed, but she kept hearing something.. a scratching almost, it was coming from the floor boards, no, the attic, but wait it's in the walls? Suddenly something appeared in the shadows, she blinked, and it was gone...
But suddenly something from behind
"Do you want some lemon drops" "AHHHHH"

(106 words)

willson writes stupid shitDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora