lore for one of my ocs 💀

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(written for my oc willson (he's the reason my account name is wi11son!!) // This is lore really late in his story (???) So it might not make complete sense // written from his perspective // talked about death // and there is a second character, whenever they talk it's in italics!!)

I'm fine. Better than fine even. I don't need therapy, I honestly don't understand why they are making me go. So what if I hurt (killed) Zach that one time accidentally? It wasn't my fault. I didn't mean to. They know that right? Right? It was an accident. Surely they could tell it was. It was obvious. There is nothing wrong with me. It's only happened once (twice technically, but who's countin'?) So I don't need help. He doesn' need help. I'm not lying. I'm not a liar. Stop callin' him a liar. Please. Please. Please.


It happened again. I did it again. Apparently. I don't remember it. But I woke up.... And everyone was gone

I can't stop shaking. Everything's so blurry, though this could just be because of the tears, or maybe it was the bomb... wait... what bomb? The one ya set off dumbass... huh? What do you mean? Ya blew it all up.. Remember? What. No. No. Nononono. You're joking? Right? You have to be joking. They weren't right. He wasn't right. They couldn't have been right. I'm not crazy. I'm completely normal. Maybe a few issues. But I'm not insane. There's nothing wrong with me. there. Is. Nothing. Wrong. With. Me... right? I mean- no! Of course there's not. They were wrong. I- he was wrong. He was wrong. He has to be.

Willson.. it's gonna be ok. Nobody's perfect. Compared to the people who are used to be around you, your fuckin amazing

You think so?
Where did you go?
Please don't leave me alone
I don't want to be alone
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Was it something I did
I'm sorry
Please come back


(331 words)

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