Chapter Five

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"I'm Echo." She says as they both shake hands. Waylen chuckles and leans back into his chair, making it squeak more.

"You're gonna fall if you do that." She says as Waylen scoffs playfully.

"I'd done this since I've been in this class, I haven't fallen once!" He exclaims proudly as Echo casts a small spell circle, jerking the chair back and making it fall.

The students that were in the classroom already turned and laughed, Echo included. Waylen gets up, fixing his chair.

He sits down, not leaning back this time. "Told you," she snickers as Waylen chuckles.

"Clever, huh? Two can play at that game." He says as he casts a spell circle, summoning a flute. He grabs it and plays a note, making a piece of paper crumble and get tossed towards Echo's forward.

She giggles. "Ok, funny guy. Enough playing around." She says as Waylen makes his flute disappear in thin air.

Suddenly, two hands slam on the desk in front of the two, making Echo squeak. Scales appear once more on her body, making Waylen and the mysterious person look at her.

"Wow! Cool! A dragon girl!" The mysterious person exclaims. Echo looks at the person, seeing another male. He looks scrawnier than Waylen, his hair is slicked back, tied in a small but bushy ponytail in the back. His eyes are gray and his hair is a baby blue color.

Waylen narrows his eyes at the newcomer. "Avery! Don't scare her, she's new here so she's just getting used to everything." Waylen scolds him as the boy pouts.

"Sorry! I saw you talking to a pretty girl so I had to come over and see who it was." He mumbles as he looks away, crossing his arms.

Waylen sighs and turns to Echo. "Sorry about him, he's known as the Flirt of Hexside. His name is Avery Koil. He's an expert in bard and healing magic." Waylen explains as Echo nods.

"I may be an expert, but I'm no where close to your skills when it comes to bard magic. I'm the second top student of bard magic, while Waylen is the first." He says as he pulls a chair from the desk behind him and sits in it, scooting closer to the desk.

"Really? That's amazing! Could you guys teach me some of your skills?" Echo asks, her scales disappearing already. Waylen chuckles.

"Are you a nerdy girl who loves to study?" He asks as Echo blushes and shakes her head.

"Oh, no! I made a deal with my dragon that I'll study any kind of magic I can. It's the only way I can gain her trust at the moment. I've worked so hard these past few days." She says as Waylen chuckles.

"Dragon? Is that why you joined the Beast-Keeping track too?" He asks.

"Well, I thought that since I have a dragon inside me, I might as well learn about beasts and everything about them." She explains as Waylen nods.

"I can't believe it! We have a real life dragon girl in our class? That's so awesome! I'm never letting you out of my sight, sweetheart!" Avery exclaims as Echo blushes from the nickname.

"T-thank you... I've never been complimented before, it makes me feel warm inside." She says as she cups her hands in front of her chest.

"I think that's getting turned on!" Avery laughs but stops when he sees Echo's confused face. He gasps and jumps over the desk, holding her head tightly to his chest.

"Innocent baby girl." He says softly, petting her hair. The motion made her eyes close slowly as a purring like sound erupts from her throat. Waylen chuckles at the noise.

"Aw, you're like a little cat." He chuckles as Avery holds her close.

"She is! From now on, my nickname for you is baby girl! Got it?" He asks as he pulls Echo's face closer to his. She can only nods.

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