Chapter Eleven

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Echo wakes up to Luz looking at a terrarium with a mouse inside, the mouse seems to be sleeping.

"Oh, little echo mouse. You ate the diary that can get me home. Can't you cough up a teeny bit?" Luz asks as a light covers Echo, transforming her back to her human form.

She gets dressed in her Hexside uniform. As King holds a teddy bear behind Luz.

"Just squeeze it out!" He exclaims, grunting as he squeezes the teddy bear until its head pops off. He drops it and runs off.

"Hmm. Maybe I just need to be patient?" Luz asks herself as she presses her face against the glass.

"Please tell me your secrets."

Just then, Eda walks into the room wearing a blazer. "Hey, knuckleheads. You're gonna be late for school." Eda says as Echo nods, walking to stand next to Eda as Luz doesn't respond.

"Alright, I guess you won't be getting a magic staff with your classmates." Eda says as Luz rushes out the door.

"Come on, Eda, Echo. We gotta fly!" Luz exclaims as she excitedly moves around as Eda and Echo leave.

"There we go." Eda says as Luz slams the door and they all head to Hexside.


Echo stands next to Waylen and Avery, talking to them.

"Are you excited, Baby girl! We get to have a staff with our own palisman!" Avery exclaims as Echo giggles, blushing at the nickname that she now knows the meaning of.

"Y-yeah, I'm excited." She says as Waylen chuckles as he keeps his cool, like usual.

"Good tidings on this momentous day. You're all about to receive your witches' staffs and, more importantly, meet your palisman. This is a crucial step in your magical development. Palismen are lifelong partners. They can be both your good friends and a powerful tool. In my case..." Principal Bump snaps and the creature on his head floats, revealing long and shiny hair before sitting on a staff.

"Holy Titan!" Luz exclaims.

"Frewin here, helps me see." He says as Eda steps forward.

"Now, traditionally, young witches carve their staffs from the branch of an old palistrom tree." Eda says as Bump speaks up.

"But sadly, palistrom trees are becoming more rare. And those that remain are guarded covetously." He says.

"That's why I teamed up with Bumpipoo..." Eda begins as Principal Bump looks unamused at the nickname.

"Don't ever call me that."

" bring you..." Eda motions to the sky, seeing a large head with bat wings for arms landing on a small hut.

"Palismen adoption day!" She says as the door to the hut opens and palismen walk out. Everyone coos.

"They're so cute!" Luz coos as she looks at a red cardinal.

Eda talks to Bat Queen as Principal Bump grabs the cardinal and puts him back in the pen. Echo looks at them all, hearing a deep rumble in her chest.

"Oh... really?" She asks as Avery looks at her.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Aurora told me I can't have any of these. Apparently dragons have a different way of getting a palisman. So, I guess I'll sit this one out." She says as Avery places a hand on her head.

"That's okay, we'll allow you to use ours, right Waylen?" Avery asks as Waylen nods.

"Yeah, just tell us you need to borrow them and we'll hand you it." He says as Echo smiles.

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