Futile Attempts

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The next day as Alexis is at her house she soon opens the window to her room only to shreak seeing someone standing in front of the window before seeing it is Sticky.

"Oh Sticky. You startled me." Alexis says.

"Alexis will you be my pretend date to the bonanza?" Sticky asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Pretend date? Uh Sticky you feeling alright?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah. I'm just trying to get Dijonay back. Look I'm desperate. All I know is I can't stop thinking about her. I just wanna make her jealous. Can you help me?" Sticky asks.

"Sticky I don't think-" Alexis then gets cut off by Sticky.

"Please Alexis? You're my best friend. Do me this one favor and I promise I'll return the favor in double." Sticky says as Alexis sighs.

"Oh okay. Fine." Alexis says.

"Thanks Alexis." Sticky says.


"Now remember we only need to act like a couple. Not actually be one." Sticky says.

"Yeah I got it." Alexis says as she gives a sad look.

"You okay?" Sticky asks.

"I'm fine Sticky. Just fine." Alexis says.

"Hey!" A voice shouts revealing to be Dijonay and Duke.

"Yo Sticky thanks for the candy. Chocolate is my favorite brother." Duke says.

"No problem my brother. Enjoy." Sticky says.

"So Sticky are you dateless?" Dijonay asks as she laughs.

"I'm actually here with my girl Alexis." Sticky says as he gestures to Alexis.

"Alexis? Well I guess you guys make a cute couple. But we're still gonna beat you in the beach games. Mahalo." Dijonay says as she and Duke leave.

"Ooh. Okay forget prior arrangements. I wanna take her down a peg. Nobody talks to me like that." Alexis says annoyedly.

"Wait. You're still my date right?" Sticky asks.

"Yes Sticky I just wanna show Dijonay I can play too." Alexis says.


"Alright my dudes and dudettes I'm your host Big Boy! And it's time for the beach blanket games to begin. Fuzzy why don't you tell them what the first event is?" Big Boy asks as kids cheer.

"It was gonna be a pie eating contest but we kinda took care of that and any other food related events. So I guess it's down to the three legged race." Fuzzy says.

"Okay racers take your places." Big Boy says as kids go over to the race.

"Come on Sticky. Keep a steady pace." Alexis says.

"But we'll loose that way." Sticky says.

"And we'll keep out of any cheater's sightline." Alexis says.

"Get set go!" Big Boy shouts as the race begins before Alexis and Sticky quickly win.


"Alright now the next game is my personal favorite. The tug-of-war. The first team to pull it's opponent over the line wins. Now get a grip and let it rip." Big Boy shouts before Dijonay and Duke quickly win against Alexis and Sticky.

"Oh man. Come on Alexis. We need to get ready for the next competition." Sticky says as he helps Alexis up.

"No Sticky. I'm done." Alexis says as she brushes off sand.

"What?" Sticky asks in shock.

"I'm done. I'm done being your rebound sticky. It seems you only notice me whenever you can't get Dijonay too. I see it was a mistake to do this with you. I do care about you but I'm not gonna throw away my dignity to do this. If you want Dijonay back even though she is clearly happy now then tell her yourself. But if I was you I'd leave well enough alone and find a girl you actually like instead of only wanting the one for the attention she gives. I'm out." Alexis says as she begins to walk off.

"Alexis wait!" Sticky shouts.

"Leave me alone Sticky!" Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form and runs off.

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