Chapter 14

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"I love you, Beth."

The overwhelming joy Beth felt at that confession lasted only an instant.

It was quickly followed by despair.

She stepped away from Bruce, breaking his hold and putting an end to the best few minutes of her life. Dancing with Connell had been like swimming through sewage; his thoughts and secrets flowed through her mind, coating it in a layer of filth until she'd felt faint with nausea and disgust.

But then Bruce had appeared.

He'd rescued her from her own personal hell, banishing the feel of Connell with his strong arms and his gloved hands as he'd pulled her close. He'd made her forget all the awful stolen memories, until there was just the two of them, barely moving as they held each other. She'd felt his breath on her neck, his thumb stroking against her back, the long strands of his hair brushing against the arm she'd wrapped around his neck.

It was perfect.

She'd wanted to stay in that moment with him forever. Where there was no city to distract him, or abilities to keep them apart. Where they were just two people, spinning around, locked together like binary stars.

But then he'd lifted his head and said those three little words...and that perfect moment imploded.

She felt the tail-tell burn behind her eyes that signalled the onset of tears.

She needed to get out of here.

She gathered the train of her gown and spun on her heel, pushing her way between dancing couples and ignoring the disgruntled mutters as she barrelled her way to the exit.

When she reached the relative quiet of the hallway she took a deep breath and tried to ignore the wrenching pain in her heart.

It felt like she'd left half of it behind.

She glanced back and could see Bruce slowly making his way to the exit. He was trying to be discreet and she was grateful he wasn't adding to her dramatic scene by racing after her. But the look on his face was determined, and he didn't break eye contact with her, even when an older woman grabbed his arm to talk to him.

Beth inspected her surroundings, looking for a place to regroup. The second door she tried opened into a small study. She'd taken two steps inside when she felt a gloved hand grasp her arm and gently usher her further into the space.

It was Bruce.

"We need to talk," he said, closing the door behind them. The music from the party became a muffled hum, and she was suddenly aware of the pounding in her chest.

She wasn't ready for this conversation.

"Why did you run?"

But it looked like there was no way to avoid it.

"Beth?" Bruce repeated. "Why did you run away from me?" He took a step closer, but paused when she stepped back. He shook his head. "I told you something back there that I've never told anyone before."

She closed her eyes, and could feel a tear escape and run down her cheek. "I know. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" He whispered. She could hear the hurt in his voice. She opened her eyes and saw the anguish in his.

"Because it's not real."

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't love me. You can't." She looked down at the floor, as the words babbled from her lips. "You just got used to me being around. I'm the only woman in your life and you...misinterpreted what you were feeling. You feel responsible for me and it made you-"

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