The Beginning

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They were never much of a hockey person. [REDACTED] always stayed in their room, waiting for something to happen. Fall was passing through and it was the end of October and [REDACTED] wasn't in the spirit like every year, so they were pretty bored out of their mind. That would all change that weekend.

School ended for the week and they just got home from a tiring day of studies and having to hear their friends talk about weird stuff. [REDACTED]'s dad walked up the stairs from his office and got a notification from his phone. "Hey [REDACTED. Do you wanna go to Aluma Browne farm tomorrow night? Some of Luke's team sisters are going and I want you to meet them." Their dad said. [REDACTED] was hesitant to go but they had nothing better to do. Friday night and Saturday flew, and time seemed to fly quicker as they left for the farm.

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