Aluma Browne Farm

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It was 4'o clock when [REDACTED], their brother, and their dad got to the farm. They had to find the place where the hockey parents made their reservation. After walking down rows and rows of the same benches and fireplaces surrounded by fences until they found #30 with the parents and a TV set up for everyone to watch the games. After a few minutes of waiting [REDACTED] got bored and asked their dad if they wanted to go on the huge slides that caught their attention. "Hey dad, can I go on the slides over there?" they sighed in boredom. "Sure but be back in a bit I want you to meet the girls" Their dad replied. After 25 minutes of waiting and sliding  [REDACTED] finally got back to meet these 'oh-so mysterious girls'  their dad kept on telling them about.

They missed them just by a few minutes, the girls left to go to the corn maze. It was getting dark so [REDACTED] decided to walk around but close to their reservation spot. They met a few kids that were a bit older than them but nonetheless they started to become friends with them. The kids and them started to become more friendly with each other until [REDACTED]'s dad told them to come back because the girls were there. Kinda disappointed that they had to leave their new-found friends but they had to meet new people.

[REDACTED] stood there kindly awkwardly,  fidgeting with their bracelets. 4 girls stood by the fire, one girl was short, she was a part of the hockey team, the second one was taller and and blonde hair in a ponytail, the 3rd one looked sort of similar with long brownish-blondish hair. The fourth one turned around and [REDACTED] felt uncomfortable. She had brown hair, pulled up into a pony tail. She looked like her, her being [REDACTED]'s ex-best friend Anabelle who would hit them whenever she pleased, that went on for 6 years until their birthday.

"Hello! I'm Liv." The voice said, She was the tall blonde  girl. "I'm Maddie." The one with brownish-blondish hair added. "I'm Grace." the girl on the hockey team said. "And i'm Lucy!"  the one that looked like Anabelle said. "Cool. I'm [REDACTED]." They said trying to sound confident. "Ooooh! cool name!" Liv replied. "So we're going into the corn maze again. Do you wanna come with us?" Maddie offered. "Sure!" [REDACTED] said excitedly. After laughs and jokes [REDACTED] was sure this was the group for them, they regretted not meeting them earlier.

Hours went by and after all their jokes and shenanigans at Aluma Browne Farm it was their last ride of the night on the slides. They all waited in line and once it was their turn [REDACTED] stood at the top cherishing this moment, this night, wanting it to never end as they slid down the huge slide. "The girls are pretty cool huh." Their dad said as their dad, their brother and them themselves went back to the car. "Yeah, it was a pretty successful night." [REDACTED] replied, a smile beginning to show as they put their airpods in and settled in for the 15 minute drive home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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