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furry: yoko.

genderbentdracula: enid.

furry: i have a question.

genderbentdracula: what is it

furry: ok so

furry: uh..

furry: so like

bbicanaca: just fucking say it wyd

furry: ok so yk how ur a vampire yoko?

genderbentdracula: no i thought i was a psychic

furry: 🖕

furry: anyway, vampires drink blood and so i was wondering..

genderbentdracula: yes..?

furry: would u drink ur period blood?

bettertwin: ENID WHY WOULD YOU

medusa: 😞😞

xaiveheir: oh lordt

bbicanaca: wait would the blood clots be like gummy bears..?


genderbentdracula: enid what made u even think of that.

furry: uh.

furry: thoughts.

emoiestgay: no wait, what type of restraints would she need if she did drink her blood?

genderbentdracula: you too wednesday? 😦😦

bbicanaca: wednesday has a point tho?

genderbentdracula: this is bullyong and ism torllay tellsing weems

genderbentdracula has added 1 user.

genderbentdracula has changed 1 name.

weemy: Oh, hello. May I ask what this is?

medusa: no u may not

xaiveheir: ^

genderbentdracula: pls help me weems theyre bullying me

1 user has left the chat.

genderbentdracula: WHATR

furry: LMAO

bbicana: imagine..

xaiveheir: see yoko, me, personally, i would never take that disrespect. i would've went off on her bitch ass but that's just me.

weemy: Excuse me?

xaiveheir: HUH

xaiveheir: DID U NOT LEAVE?

weemy: No, I did not. I believe Wednesday has left.

xaiveheir: weems, bestie, we just gon forget ab what i said, right..?

weemy: Come see me in my office tomorrow.

1 user has left the chat.

xaiveheir: this may be the last message you see from me. i'll miss you all. especially ajax.

bbicanaca: tbh we should throw a party.

bettertwin: ^

genderbentdracula: ^^

furry: ^^^

1 user has joined the chat.

emoiestgay: ^^^^

medusa: i would not take this slander xavier

xaiveheir: 😦😦

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