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emoiestgay: there! right there!

xaiveheir: huh?

furry: look at that tan well tended skin.!

xaiveheir: me?

furry: look at the killer shape he's in ;)

xaiveheir: thanks?

furry: look at that slightly stubbly chin!

xaiveheir: you can definitely see the facial growing in right??

furry: oh please hes gay,, totally gay!!

xaiveheir: i

xaiveheir: im not..?

bbicanaca: im not about to celebrate.

xaiveheir: is it a holiday??

bbicanana: every trait could indicate.

xaiveheir: indicate what..?

bbicanaca: a totally straight expatriate.

xaiveheir: oh

bbicanaca: this guys not gay, i say not gay!

xaiveheir: im not.

medusa: that is the elephant in the room

xaiveheir: BODYSHAMODNDG?????!?!?!?1!1?1!1?1!?1.1?1!1?1!1?1!1.1!?A!A!A!A

bettertwin: well, is it relevant to assume?

genderbentdracula: that a man who wears perfume is automatically radically f e y ???

xaiveheir: shit it was that obvious??

emoiestgay: but look at his coiffed and crispy locks.

xaiveheir: i try 🙆

bettertwin: look at his silk translucent socks!


medusa: there's the eternal paradox..

bbicanana: look what we're seeing!

furry: whatre we seein???

xaiveheir: ^

genderbentdracula: is he gay?

xaiveheir: no

furry: of course hes gay!

xaiveheir: i just said no??

genderbentdracula: or european.?

xaiveheir: zo(ak9o\kwpwp((2(\(o+#(#0p9@+1(@\

emoiestgay: oh...

bettertwin. gay or european?

xaiveheir: NONE

bbicanaca: its hard to guarantee..

xaiveheir: HOW??? I JUST SAID NONE

emoiestgay: is he gay or european?

xaiveheir: gonna kill myself

medusa: well hey don't look at me!!

xaiveheir: looks at you

furry: you see they bring their boys up different in those charming foreign ports

xaiveheir: huh

emoiestgay: they play peculiar sports

xaiveheir: archery isnt pcuxkliar??

genderbentdracula: in shiny shirts and tiny shorts

xaiveheir: ur delusional

medusa: gay or foreign fella?

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