First blood

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(Welp, I feel like writting this instead of the wekser story, and I think I enjoy writting this more)

"How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams."

--Bram Stoker

3rd person

For many people, death is the ending of their living bodies, with their spirits moving onto an afterlife. For a select people, feeling the embrace of death to take them twice in their life time. But for one, he awkens again from death. Oscar cortez, never expected that he would live the night of his assassination. He expected to finally be join his family if his only chance failed, but now, this meant his plan was a success. But as of now, he was angered by the act commited against him by what he thought had been his own friends and person who saved his life. Though as of now, Oscar slowly staggers home from this, as despite living, he wasn't in the best shape of his life.

The treck home would be rather long and problematic, as with a weakened state along with rain and thunder looming ahead, the slopes to the home of his last living relative, his aunt on his mother's side is the only home that opens for him. The situation worsens as due to how slick the mud becomes, causes him to slip multiple times, causing scrapes and bruises in along his legs and arms, causing more of his slow oozing black blood to drip along the ground, leading up to the house. But once inside, there was one thing going through the newly made vampire.

Oscar pov

Hunger. The primal hunger for something has been driving me crazy now since I have awoken by my own revenge. As once I enter the home, I slowly approach my room, needing access to my lab, thinking it could help. My stumbling around causes some problems as I knock over a few of many glass jars with plants I've been using to synthasise material from, I hope to fix that later. But once I approach my bookshelf against a wall, I pull two important books, Dante's inferno and book about the occult. Once pulled, the shelf moves out of the way, giving me access to my lab. 

I trip over the top stair and fall down the long flight of stairs to hit the ground hard, knocking all of the air out of me, but hey, it got me down faster. But that would not be my focus. I stumble around my lab to find my vials of blood, hoping that maybe these could help with the hunger. Removing the first lid, with it being blood I was able to get from a blood bank I was able to afford, allows a soft popping noise to be let out, as I allow the blood to be swallowed down so easily. Unfortunately, as the blood touches my lip my best to to spit out and drop the vial onto the floor, smashing it as it lands, unaware this attracts someone.

Olivia Richards pov

All night I had been worried for my nephew to return home from class, as I had called the school to try and see if Oscar had left, but the teachers say he had, but didn't know where he had headed too. This makes my concern grow exponentially, as being the legal guardian of oscar, his fate as of now has been in my hands to take care of him. I look over some of the old pics of my family with him in them. Oscar was always happy as a young boy while his mother, and my sister Lily Cortez, had been alive, as the father never stayed around much for his life before disapearing forever. So with this, I raised him with Lily to be a good person, wanting the best for him instead of going down a dark path.

But unfortunately, things went south baddly. With one fateful day, with the car crash and our family, it killed everyone else but us. Oscar had been devastated by this tragic event in his life, but did his best to keep moving on,and while im happy that he had, but he never was the same. But before I could linger any longer, I pause hearing the sounds of my front door being opened and closed. This, isn't a sound id like to hear to hear before, since it could mean a home invasion. I slowly grab my baseball bat from the corner of my room as I slowly exit my room and down the stairs. What leads to my growing fear is the sounds of glass shattering in a certain room makes my worry grow. 

Luckly, I know where this room located in, but it concerns me more since its Oscar's room that this noise comes from, which is where I was hoping it wasn't from. As I approach the room, I see fresh blood dripped across the floor with jars of plants smashed across the floor of my gifts for him. Before I could investigate to far, I see the bookshelf that contains all of the books that have been read to him or read about was moved to the side, leading to a staircase going downstairs. This needed to be discovered right away, so I grab a flashlight from the shelf.

Once the light was on, I travel down the stairs slowly to try and find what caused this or if the thing im looking for was down here. With each step going down, I hear more crashing of glass confirms what ever is down the stairs im on. A big problem that I have going down hits my nose hard. The smell of blood begins to flood my nose. As a nurse, I have dealt with my fair share of blood before now while helping people get better, from surgeries to nursing homes, blood was normal but this blood, seemed worse then normal, since it doesn't have a bit of an iron smell to it, smelling more of something acidic.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I can finally see what is down here, an underground lab, built of fine stone and soft candles lighting it up. I almost freeze seeing what must be vials of blood littered all over the floor with vials being boiled to create something that wasn't quite right. But before I could explore, I see a pair of red eyes staring at me from the dark. Just seeing these eyes made me paralyze in fear, realizing that something was going to attack me. And before I could even defend myself, I hear these lone words.

???:Im sorry aunt.

Before being lunged at, as my life passes from me.

Oscar pov

I dont know what came over me, as I attacked my aunt in almost cold blood, as I drink blood directly form her artery, as with the fresh blood, I feel the hunger for blood was over and concern growing on my face. After I feed off my own flesh and blood, I pull back with a soft gasp, as my sight had been clouded from this hunger. I grab from my vials of blood angel blood, which I remember saved me from my own demise, as I slowly pour a bit into her mouth. But after pouring my blood, she seems to not respond, so growing desperate, I cut my hand to reveal my black blood, as I directly feed my own blood, whispering

Oscar: Great mother above, allow me to to make this person before me back to the land of the living. Allow their mortal souls stay safe as the person never truelly dies. Arise Olivia Richards, come back to me, Return!!

As I say my chants, her features grow younger, as if back to her prime, as once my hand is away, her eyes shoot open, replacing her emerald green eyes with a mix of silver and red eyes, looking deeply into my own blood red ones.

As I say my chants, her features grow younger, as if back to her prime, as once my hand is away, her eyes shoot open, replacing her emerald green eyes with a mix of silver and red eyes, looking deeply into my own blood red ones

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(Welp, I hope you guys enjoy. Along with this, I hope you guys have a good year. See you next time.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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