chapter 2: Developing in a new Realm

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All of us decided to split up and go our own ways.  Louise and Lewis investigate the lab (aka the note). When they went into the lab, the note was gone! It had burnt. They  said when they arrived at the lab, the note looked burnt and all black. suddenly, they heard footsteps. Louise hid in a closet with colorful looking potions, while Lewis vanished like the flash. Louise looked at the person because of a small little hole at the top of this closet. He had messy hair and glasses with a white suit and an all blue outfit.  Suddenly, he shapeshifted into a lady who looked very familiar, Then a light in Louise's brain flicked. It was the orphanage lady from the other realm! Louise knew she had to do something, so she decided to find Lewis and secretly confront them. Meanwhile, Faith and Jacob are trying to figure out what happened to my necklace. They look in a library. Faith had a crush on Jacob for a long time, and this was finally her chance to impress Jacob. Faith and Jacob play around in the book shelves, flirt, talk about their favorite subjects, and play silly games while the librarian told them multiple times to stop making noise. Faith puts a book in front of Jacob, he pushes it back, then Faith leans in and kisses Faith. he pushes him back and walks away from the library. Faith yells for him to come back so they can learn more about the necklace, but it was too late. Faith sees a picture of the necklace that looks similar to mine. Confused and shocked, faith calls Louise and asks if we can meet up. Code Realm meets up, and they all tell people what they found, Eseosa looks shocked and surprised. They all decide to figure out these new possibilities.

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