Chapter 4: The end of an old realm.

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When I was walking on a street in the UK, I bumped into a stranger, but it wasn't just any stranger. I felt my necklace was vibrating, I felt a connection with this random stranger.When I turned around to apologize, one of the first things I noticed was that she wore the exact same necklace. Eseosa? she said, sounding very confused. I replied by saying “yes,do I know you?”your my daughter. How have you been?I remember I would hold you in my hands”.I said “well I don’t remember that” we started laughing she said “do you wanna get coffee I meant to say hot chocolate”we started laughing.I told her about all of my good friends “she told me that it’s, great to have friends she said but one time I had a close friend and she was really sweet.Her name was Lily, she only became my friend though, because of my power of being the queen of all realms.”She said “I was so kindhearted that I told her that she could be the queen.”Even though I was told if you give your power to somebody else it still means you can take that power whenever you wanted too.I notice her behavior was so close of becoming a tyrant so I took the power away and we fought I was the one with the power but still there was so much anger in that heart.That’s why I want you to see more spells I want to give you a book”.Mother gave me a bracelet so I can exit any realm the I was in.She taught me how to use the powers for example she even told me if I want I can break a bead above the sun I have heated hands.What happens was we all just decided to go to the woods and have a discussion. During the discussion, we knew there was some bad blood with Jacob and Faith because they were looking at each other furiously. Then, Grace decided to confront them by saying "Alright there's definitely something going on here. Louise agreed with Grace by saying there's definitely some tea boiling. I said “Lewis you have been quiet about the drama”. Did you see anything happen? Lewis dropped something, and it was photos of the disaster that happened in the UK. Faith was trying to pick it up and wouldn't let anyone else help. For some reason, Jacob found this was suspicious and then decided to ask about the photos. I got a glimpse of the photos I told Grace, and we decided to have a discussion excluding Lewis and Faith. Jacob saw some of the photos and decided to take one without permission and noticed that Lewis took the photo because he had a signature angle. We know about this from a photography class we decided to go in it was boring, but that’s not the point.Louise turned over the photo and noticed that it has writing Lewis took a photo of students evacuating a school because of a fire.On the back it said “well that was fun”as soon as we figured it out  we turned around Faith and Lewis put a weird looking plant to my nose and said smell this.Let’s be real breathing is something we don’t really notice we do too much of and we all did we fell asleep.I woke up and I was panicking it was a weird feeling.I looked at where we were and we were in the middle of the ocean and our hands were tied behind our backs.We didn’t have are arms but we did have are legs so we got up and was moving the rope behind are arms against the boat we did it for so long cause that’s the only thing we can do.The rope isn’t thin so that made it even more harder.We heard Faith saying it was nice knowing you well actually it wasn’t Louis was even more upset that his own cousin betrayed him I felt the most sorry for him.Faith said “I hope you know when you claimed to be the queen of the realms that was supposed to be my title.” I said “that law technically means she’s the queen though” Lewis said “just stop, breaking 1 law in your life is not as bad as breaking 23 I broke that much at the age of 12” I saw Louis giving a sad/upset face. I did have that one spell that can do something with the sun but I can’t with my hand tied.I just remembered my mom gave me a book of spells that’s when Faith said “looking for this” she had my book and threw it in the ocean it wasn’t that far away from the boat we were on but we were still tied up. I was so upset that I'm knew I had to get it.”Does Jacob still have the photos?” Grace asked, it had sharp corners surprisingly we tried it on the rope and we rubbed the rope on the boat so it will  be easier to break and it worked.I was the only one who new how to swim I got the book I had no idea the book was waterproof I found the perfect spell I was reading it while I was underwater because I don’t them to know what we will be doing.The spell was to submerge the paper in water and so many random words that I forgot and say Faiths and Lewis name and then boom they were banished from this realm.It’s not the same without them because it’s better without them fast forward 10 years later we are working with the police in all realms to capture criminals.

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