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Gem Glow

"Noooooooooooo! This can't be happening! It has to be a dream!" A distraught boy bellowed when he saw the cat-themed freezer barren of any and all of his favorite treats. He was quick to latch onto a nearby worker, "Lars! Lars! Please tell me I'm dreaming!"

"Get off me, man. I'm stocking here," Lars scolded, taking a few steps away causing Steven to fall flat on his face. A blue, green, and copper-clad woman was quick to run to the boy's aid. Carefully picking him up she scanned his body for injuries.

A blonde cashier flinched in worry, pitying the usually, bubbly boy, "I'm sorry, Steven. Looks like they stopped making them."

Steven hugged the waist of the woman who helped him, "Stopped making them?! Why in the world would they stop making Cookie Cats?! They're only the most scrumptious and delicious ice cream sandwich ever made! Don't they have laws for this?!"

The mystery woman ran a gentle hand through Steven's curly locks, "I'm afraid not. It's all about supply and demand and, unfortunately, Cookie Cats seem to have lost their popularity."

"(Y/n)'s right, man. Nobody buys them anymore. I guess they couldn't compete with Lion Lickers," Lars added.

Steven detached himself from (Y/n) to hobble over to a freezer full of half-frozen popsicles; most of which were disfigured or smeared.

"Ugh! Not Lion Lickers. Nobody likes them! They don't even look like lions! Kids these days! I'll tell ya what!"

"If you miss your wimpy ice cream so much, maybe you should make some with your magic belly button!" Lars taunted.


Lars flinched when (Y/n) cleared her throat. He wasn't scared of her wrath, so to say, more like he didn't enjoy the feeling he got when laying eyes on her disappointed frown.

"You shouldn't make fun of someone who's different."

Lars rubbed his neck, too stubborn to apologize.

Steven ignored the insult to focus his gaze longingly at the empty cat-themed freezer, "Oh sweet Cookie Cats - with your crunchy cookie outside and icy, creamy insides, you were too good for this world."

With a quick kiss to the glass, Steven hugged the machine close.

The blonde cashier stared at the scene with confusion, "Uh, Steven. Do you want to take the freezer with you?"

Steven quietly nodded before going to work to unplug the mini-freezer. (Y/n) on the other hand, placed five twenties on the counter.

"Oh! No, we can't accept this!" The blonde was quick to push the money back, but a raised hand stopped her.

(Y/n)'s eyes held a gentle love as she watched Steven eagerly tie the freezer to his person, "Please take it. You've made his day, so think of this as a thank you. Please, Sadie?" She turned back around to gaze, half-lidded at the two.

Lars and Sadie blushed; Lars being quick to take the money, "Y-yeah of course! You're welcome!"

"Come on, Aunty (Y/n)! I can't wait to put this in my room!"

"Coming, Steven!"

Steven and (Y/n) strode together down the beachside, although it was easy to differentiate the most energetic of the two as he hummed the Cookie Cat theme song with a skip in his step. Steven, full of excitement, ran ahead to the beach house, which was embedded in the side of a cliff, nestled in the arms of a stone-carved, six-armed woman.

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