Chapter 1

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Republishing this cringe-fest so my friends can read it and laugh. I wrote it in 2015. You can tell I was an angsty bisexual teen that's never been to Florida before lmao.


The school bell rings as I walk down the corridor to find Lucas, my best guy friend, with his locker door open while he takes out all his schoolbooks and places them into his bag. I hide behind the open door that he closes before noticing me, slightly startled but also relieved. Lucas and I have known each other since the first day of freshman year. Ever since our first homeroom together we knew we were going to be close friends, despite our different tastes in music and clothes. We were both idiots that slowly failed math and history together, laughing off all of our problems. One notable thing in particular about him though is his sexual orientation, he's as gay as the day is long, and so I knew that I could talk to him about this.

'I'm a lesbian.' I say to him. He smirks at me and slowly nods as if he had just won his own bet in his head.

'What makes you so sure though?' He asks me.

'Jess.' I respond as I peek over his shoulder, he turns to look as well, at the girl in a pink and white floral sundress stood with three other girls in front of her locker discussing their summer plans. I've not been a friend of Jess for that long, only since the winter holidays. I was dating a friend of hers at the time, a boy funnily enough. I found out he was cheating on me not long after that with some other girl from school, and once that happened, Jess cut him out of her life and consoled me. I'm not that bothered by it all now, I still think that he's a bit of a dick but who isn't?

'Yes, but she's straight, and dating Dan.' Lucas turns back to look at me. Ah, yes, Dan. Our good friend Dan who has had at least 20 "girlfriends" since I first met him in freshman year. The charming Dan that has never cared for any girl ever apart from whether or not they're pregnant with his child after he uses them to boost his ego and drops them as though he's never known them. He is nowhere near good enough to be with Jess, but she seems to think he's changed. To be fair they have been together since just before Valentine's Day, so it has been a few months - Dan's longest relationship yet. But either way, he's still pathetic.

Lucas and I walk outside and find Jess, Dan and Rory, congregated by the front steps of the school. Dan has his arm around Jess' back. She notices us and calls us over to them in her sweet tone of voice.

'Dan's just found out that he's got a one month internship during the summer in Spain! He leaves tomorrow.' She announces.

'Really? That's awesome!' I respond.

'I'm so jealous! I wish I could go with you.' Jess continues. Her eyes like glitter when she looks at him. Lucas nudges my arm and gives me a look as if to remind me that that means Dan's out of the picture this summer, which gives me some alone time with Jess. Dan pulls her closer and they start making out. I try to pretend that they're not there and turn to continue talking to Rory.

'So do you have any plans for the summer?' I ask him. Before he has time to answer, Dan looks up and buts in.

'Are you asking Rory out?' He laughs.

'No! I was just making casual conversation whilst you suck face with Jess.' I snap back.

'Oh, it would be great if you two went out. Then we could double date!' Jess says, clearly ignoring my snide comment.

'Guys, Aimee and I are just friends. And no, I'm not doing anything this summer.' Rory finally admits.

It's not that I don't like Rory; I completely understand why someone would fancy him. He's one of those naturally pretty boys with a tall, broad, swimmers body with a strong jawline and cheekbones that could cut your wedding cake. Brown hair styled in a pompadour and light gray-blue eyes. He probably takes his style inspiration from the Beatles in the 1960s. He comes from a wealthy background as well. He seriously has every girl falling for him whenever they see him in a leather jacket or a waistcoat, but he's single, which makes everyone want him even more. He hasn't dated anyone in over a year, but no one knows what happened between him and his last girlfriend. No one even knows whom his last girlfriend is because she lives in New York, where Rory comes from.

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