Chapter 2

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My phone lights up my room and lets out a piercing four-note melody. I look at the screen to find a message from Rory:

Get on Skype x

I feel so disorientated as I thought it was like four in the morning, but to my surprise, it's actually midday. Anyway, I do as I'm told and open up my laptop, still half asleep.

'What is it?' I greet him grumpily.

'Luc, Jess, you and me - Miami Beach for two weeks. You in?' Rory announces.

'Yeah, I'd love to,' my mood elevates, 'but I don't have that kind of money.'

'Courtesy of my parents, all expenses are already paid. I go there every summer and wanted you guys to come along with me this year.' He says excitedly.

'Awesome. Well then I guess I have no reason to decline this wonderful offer of yours.' This is one-hundred-percent worth him waking me up from my slumber.

'Let's do it.' He says. 'Now I've just got to tell the others.'

'And I've got to pack.' I confirm.

We both click off of Skype and I jump out of bed, throw open the curtains to let in the sunlight that illuminated my naturally dark room, plastered with paintings and drawings that I've done, all hung up on the walls. I turn on the iPod dock stationed in the corner of my room that blasts out heavy metal music, get out my suitcase from under the bed and throw in a bunch of summery clothes that are mostly black. I think about how awesome the next two weeks will be. Just three of my favorite people and me, all chilling in a Florida beach house. No Dan. This is going to be great.


'Miami, come at me!' Rory yells whilst flipping his sunglasses down to cover his eyes as we get off the plane. Jess and I laugh at his enthusiasm, but it is understandable because we are all so excited for this trip! It finally feels like summer with the sun blazing down on us in the Florida daylight.

'I feel so cramped after that flight.' Lucas said, stretching and rubbing the back of his neck.

'It's okay, we just need to pick up our bags and then we can hit the road. It won't take too long.' Rory replies. 'Have you heard from Dan?' He asks Jess.

'Not since he got there.' Dan left for Spain four days ago for his internship, which probably includes partying in Magaluf or somewhere and drinking sangria with hot babes that he'd like to bang. 'But I suspect he's busy, you know, interning.' I look over at Rory, it sounds a lot like the situation that happened between him and Naomi last year. He glances at me quickly, but I know that was what he was thinking too.

We grab our bags and head out to get a cab. Sitting in the back of the cab cruising along, I see the views and they are beautiful. Lines of palm trees with the bright teal ocean shimmering in the sunlight, and people catching rays on their skin, trying to get a tan. Others surf among the waves and the sand looks as soft as a cloud.

Before to long, we get to the beach house and it is perfect. White walls with wood panel flooring, covered in an array of white and blue rugs, a flat screen TV, black leather couch and a dining area and a table that has a bowl of pinecones on it for a centerpiece. The lounge and kitchen areas are all connected so you can see straight through the whole ground floor. There are sliding glass doors that open up to a deck where you can walk straight out onto the beach. I walk up the stairs to see our bedrooms. There are three rooms, each with an en-suite, double bed and balcony.

'Who's sharing then?' I ask.

'I hadn't thought of that really.' Rory admits. Then he turns to me, 'I suspect the girls should share a room.'

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