Chapter 2

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Author's POV

It was lunch break and you had brought lunch to the park to have some fresh air from your stressful day of work. It seems as if your boss has been extremely harsh on you today. First scolding you only because you were only 3 minutes late and then accidentally did one tiny mistake which you're sure no one noticed during the meeting but your boss did and boy, was she mad after the meeting.

You were here all alone right now, under the tree on the bench. The sun was shining brightly but the wind was continuously blowing to make the atmosphere cool enough. You had a nice view too...

No not the children playing in the playground with the flowers falling down making the ground the color of purple. No. It was a guy. Oh boy, why is he handsome and hot? Black charcoal hair styled perfectly, at the tip of the perfect nose perched the golden rim glasses, with perfect brown cat eyes, and the suit so professional and perfect as if it had been tailored just for him. I tried. I did try to not stare for too long and concentrate on your yummy bento lunch instead. But it's as if my eyes had a mind of their own and couldn't stop staring at him. You wondered if your eyes were burning holes into his back.

Luckily for you, he was busy talking to his handsome colleagues, yes handsome which you notice after time after staring too long at him, that he didn't notice you.

'It must be something important because he can't seem to notice me staring at him but his colleagues do for sure... Staring at me from time to time, giving gazes... Wait- they're staring at me?!'You immediately snapped out of your daze and you were right they were gazing at you from time to time.

That's when HE glanced at you and made eye contact with you.

You immediately bowed your head down and started eating your lunch quickly. 'Shit, shit, shit. He noticed me staring at him now! I'm doomed! He will think I'm such a wierdo and pervert staring at him for too long. I wondered if his friends told him. Shit- that will be even worse! Now I ruined my chances to get his number. But his eyes are sure pretty though... Y/n what are you thinking?!'

You quickly ate your lunch and packed up your things and tried to walk as quickly as you could. Then you noticed that there were heavy footsteps behind you, you turned your head around just a little bit to notice that HE is following you.

'Shit! Is he going to capture me or something? Is he going to send me to the police to report me for being a pervert and staring at him too long? Shit! Y/n you silly goose. Why can't you let yourself in trouble for once? I'M TOO YOUNG TO GO TO JAIL! I still have a lot ahead of me! Like- getting revenge with my bos-'

"Miss!" His firm hand landed and your shoulder and thought for sure you were a goner.

"Yes?" you slowly turned around to be embarrassed to look into his dazzling eyes.

"You forgot your phone on the bench when you were having your lunch that's now."

'DAMN his voice is hot. Is that an American accent? NOW'S NOT THE TIME Y/N YOU SILLY GOOSE!'

"Ah- r-really? T-thank y-you for returning it to m-me."


"You suddenly seem to be in a rush Miss..."

"It's Y-y/n s-sir..."

"Ah, Y/n such a pretty name... but I think it's even prettier if I called you 'mine' instead?"

"I-I'm sorry what sir?" your heart is booming loudly in your ears.

"My friends noticed that you had been staring at me for a long time..." ignoring my words.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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