Nalu: Secret Santa

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Lucy's P.O.V.

Lucy awoke with a coldness in her apartment. When she was awake fully, she looked out the window and she saw snow that had fallen overnight. She got out of bed and got dressed into a nice warm red sweater dress with a black belt over the waist and and black leggings with knee high boots. She then put her winter jacket on, went outside, and started walking to the Fairy Tail Guild.

She walked on the wall that she always walked on, when she walked to and from the guild. "One of these days you're going to fall in Lucy." one of the boatmen says. They always pass by.

"Don't worry I'm fine!" she says back.

She kept on walking. The wind then started to pick up, giving Lucy chills. She decided to get to Fairy Tail as fast as she could so she wouldn't catch a cold. When she finally saw the guild come into view, she picked up her pace. When she got inside, she was greeted by the warmth of the guild.

"Hey Lucy!" she heard Mira say.

"Hey Mira." Lucy greeted her with a smile.

She then heard fighting break out across the room. "Come on ice pervert!" Natsu shouted.

"Bring it you pyro!" Gray shot back.

"Oh boy.... Their at it again." Lucy says.

Good thing Erza isn't here or they would be begging for mercy right about now, Lucy thought. They threw fists at each other left and right and they didn't look like they were going to stop anytime soon. Erza was the one who always stopped the 2 from fighting because they are so scared of her. She didn't know how to stop them so she just watched them fight. Lucy then sat at the bar, bored out of her mind.

"Are you okay Lucy?" Mira asks.

Lucy nods. "Yeah I'm just bored."

"Don't worry we have something special planned." Mira says with a smile.

Uh-oh, if Mira is planning this then I don't want to be part of it, Lucy thought. I wanted to go back home and climb into my warm bed and not think about anything. Lucy was so deep in thought, she didn't hear her name being called. "Luce!" she hears a voice yell. "Hey Luce!"

She turns around and sees Natsu and Happy. "Yeah what is it?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

Before he could answer, Master Makarov asked for everyone's attention. "Listen up!" he says. "We are going to be doing Secret Santa and you will pick a name from this jar and whoever's name you get, you will give it to them at the Christmas party this Saturday, Christmas Eve. Now everyone line up."

Everyone lined up to get a name out of the glass jar. When it was finally Lucy's turn, she grabbed a card and pulled it out. When she unfolded it, she was surprised by the name she got. It read "Natsu" in nice and neat handwriting. What am I going to get him? She wondered.

Natsu's P.O.V.

Natsu watched Lucy's reaction when she pulled out her card and opened it. She seemed... surprised? It was then his turn to pull out a card, so he dug his hand in it and pulled out a card. When he unfolded the note, he was surprised. The note read "Lucy" and he couldn't believe it. What is he supposed to get her? He had no idea and he only had a few days to come up with something. Maybe he could ask Erza? Or Levy? He was upset because he had just got up the nerve to tell Lucy how he really felt about her and then Gramps just goes and does this secret santa thing. Maybe this is a good thing. When he gives her his present, he can tell her then.

"Hey Natsu who did you get?" Gray asks him.

"You first." Natsu says looking skeptical. He probably got Juvia, Natsu thought. Because Mira probably was the one who thought of this and rigged it. Gray then pulls him into a corner and made sure that no one was there to overhear and turns back to Natsu.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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