Chapter 2

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Error woke up in his chair, yet another day of living.

He sighed, not yet moving. Just blankly staring at anything in the room.

Finally after a couple minutes he got up.

Ultimately he decided to move some things around.

He would have to tend to the garden first.

Once he was done he headed to the kitchen, looking at yet another easy recipe.

He cooked some bacon, eggs, and toast.

Once he was done eating he decided to go through some of the storage rooms.

Since it was usually Dust’s job to take storage.

Error washed the dishes and put them up after he dried them.

He wiped his hands and grabbed the clipboard with an inventory check paper.

He made his way upstairs, looking out the windows.

There were skeletons outside. They seemed like they were just looking around.

Error frowned, why does his peace always have to be interrupted.

He sighed and ignored them for now, reminding himself of his job.

He took stock of the rations, though he technically didn’t have to eat anything.

But he was going to have to eventually go out and get food.

He walked past the widows yet again, looking out the widows.

Just great there were more of them.

He’ll never be able to be in peace will he?

He sighed, heading back downstairs.

Error decided to wash his blanket and clean his chair.

Taking the blanket to the basement he started scrubbing out

The blood he could get out, then put it in the wash with some bleach.

He carried the bleach to the living room and started working on his chair.

About one hour later Error had been able to get most of the blood out.

He suddenly felt a prick on his spin, he quickly turned around.

No one was there, they were trying to get in.

He quickly ran up the stairs to peer out the window.

There were probably a little more than five people just wandering around.

While another two seemed to be trying to find a way in.

He opened the window and peered out at them, he supposed they wanted to know if he was a threat to them.

They probably didn’t even know he was here to be honest.

He could see one of them was about to attack the doors.

Which in all fairness made him angry, this was his home.

And the only thing left of the more simple times he had.

He slammed the window shut which seemed to catch the others attention.

As they took a couple steps back, seeming to look for the noise.

Error rushed to the front door.

He could feel how the magic he had casted still stood strong.

Even if those fools were messing with it.

He pulled the magic back into his body, feeling the power return to him felt amazing.

Ignoring the feeling he pushed open the doors.

Glaring at his unwanted visitors who much to the Deities credit,

Indeed looked very similar to his multiverse’s Sans.

“What are you doing here?” His tone was not light in the slightest.

What looked to be the Blue of this multiverse stepped up.

It was very noticeable that Error’s gaze softened.

“We were just checking out the new AU as we don’t really get very many.”.

This Blue explained.

Error hummed.

Taking a look around, he hadn’t stepped a foot outside since he had been here.

It appears it’s just a floating piece of land.

“It was also a little weird for it just to be a floating island in a galaxy.”

Error nodded, “Well, you’ve seen what you can. And you now know who is here.”.

Error was hinting at them to leave.

However they seemed to have other plans.

“We also wanted to know where the power source came from.”

Error’s brow rose, “Power source?”  The copy of what could be Dream nodded.

“I’m afraid I have no clue about a power source, most everything here is dead.”

Someone who resembled Night stepped forward.

“Not just any power source, it’s negative energy. This AU is pouring a lot of negative energy.”

Error chuckled, “Then you’re probably talking to that very source.” .

Their faces dropped, concern painted all over them.

Seeming to understand him, the Nightmare and Blue walked forward.

Seeming to have caught how his gaze would soften when looking at them.

How his negativity would go down slightly.

They only stopped when he tensed.

“May we know your name?” The Blue asked.

Error took a shaky sigh, “Error, my name is Error.”

He said slowly going back to the door.

The Nightmare seemed to catch on to what he was doing and grabbed Blues hand and started to back up.

“Listen, it’s my job to help those with negativity. We want to help, but we don’t know how.”

Error stopped edging back. “I…. Would like to be left alone for a while.” Error paused, seeming to be in thought.

“And please, don’t damage his castle. It’s one of the very few things he worked years to make.”

Error said, going back into the castle. Hearing someone say something in regard to visiting to check on him.

In which he knew he’d probably ignore them.

The doors opened for him, letting him in.

Then quickly shut behind him.

He used his magic to yet again seal the castle.

He could feel the castle, as if it was alive. Telling him to be calm.

He let the castle guide his soul, ending up in front of the room Night wanted him to have.

In case he ever chose to stay.

He opened the door, boxes covered the bed. No, wait, those were presents.

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