Chapter 3

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I wake up and I stare at the ceiling. Saturday mornings are truly a wondrous thing, something that is so lovely and should be cherished forever and ever. However, this one will be cut short. Somehow, mainly to do with the determination, my suite managed to organise a small day trip to New York City. Checking my watch, I saw the we still had an hour and a half to get to the greyhound station, so I payed back down in bed. This would be fun, a day with my friends exploring one of the most amazing cities in the world. Today would be a very nice break from the typical mundanity of college.


"Does everyone have their trinkets?" I ask my dear, darling suitemates, as we leave our dorm, each girl with a bulging bag on her back. "I love my trinkets" I say through the affirmative mumbles my roommates let out. "Maybe we should have left earlier" Sara says, checking the location of the Uber. "This says we will get do the greyhound station at 9:23 and the bus is set to leave at 9:30." Audrey lets out a nod "Yeaa we should have left earlier" she says in agreement. I feel a twinge of guilt. Audrey was the one who spent the most time and energy organising the trip and if it went wrong so quickly I would feel awful. "That leaves us 7 minutes! We got this gang!" We hastily descend the stairs of our dorm building, and now loiter in the lobby. Today was going to be fun, I know it.

Somehow, we arrived at the greyhound station at 9:20, and where able to board the bus, although we all where sitting next to strangers. Luckily for me, the man next to me was more occupied with scrolling through pictures of celebrities feet then anything I could be doing. So I sat back, opened Spotify, and listened to one direction and let the hours roll by.

We deboarded and met up at the greyhound station in New York. "We DID IT GUYS WE MADE IT" I say excitedly doing a silly little dance. Audrey and Sara both, are visibly less tense then when they where on the Uber, and I was very happy that our plans have succeeded. "How about we go to the MET first, take a walk, grab dinner, then go to Lincoln Center for the concert?" Audrey offers. Although it wasn't an offer, it was the outlined and pre-established itinerary. One that we knew better then to stray from. "Alright, let's go hang!" Anna says, enthusiasm present as we began our way to the nearest subway station.

The MET Art Museum was stunning. High ceilings and paintings galore, we where all in our individual nirvana. We tried sticking to ourselves like a group, which turned into the buddy system, which now turned to be me wa terming the halls alone. After all, there was security and plenty of witnesses, it was safe. The museum was very big, and we all wanted to see different exhibits. It was the most effective way, really. I stared at The Death of Socrates, laughing at realising that this painting was shown to me in the music history class I was taking this semester.

"Now, I don't know a lot about art, but I don't think this painting supposed to be funny" a cool toned voice spoke from beside me. I glanced at the source of it, and was left a bit stunned as my heart rose to my throat. It couldn't be.

"Brian??" I ask, "what are you doing here?" It's really strange that the day Sara, Anna, Audrey and I decided to journey 100 miles into the city, Brian did as well, especially considering Brian and Sara are dating. "A couple of my friends high school are in town, and we decided to meet up." He says. "Why are you here?" He asks. I realised part of him was just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. "My whole suite is here" I say. "Sara's here?" He asks, his head beginning to glance around the near empty room, as if she was going to pop up from behind a painting. "Here as in the museum" I say. "Not sure where she is".

"Well maybe we can help you find her" another voice says. And if I was surprised to see Brian in the MET, I was even more stunned to see who his 'high school friends' are.

"Hi I'm Erica" I offer with my voice, while offering my hand out. I made sure to speak evenly, and make sure recognition was not present on my face.

"I'm Trevor" he replies, accepting my hand, engulfing it with his own.

Our joined hands bob up and down in synchronisation. And I let a small smile play on my lips. One that was pleasant. Serene.

"Erica! There you are!" I turn to see Sara, hauling Audrey and Anna in tow. Just looking at their faces, I knew that they where behind this.

"How about we go to dinner now?" Sara offers. A look of protest flashes over Anna's face. She was very passionate about art and the most excited to go to the met. However, the look was brief and one of obvious mischief was quick to replace it. "Dinner sounds good. Brian and Trevor, would you like to join us?" Offers Anna.

"I certainly would" says Trevor. His eyes glance at mine, looking for what, I don't know, before he turns his attention to Brian. "Good with me."

"Alright! Let's go get some grub!" Says Trevor, rubbing his hands together. With that, our group of six leaves the art museum, and we go on our way, through the streets of Manhattan.

What have my friends done now?

Rain on the ice // Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now