Chapter 4

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   I walk down the sidewalks of Manhattan, matching the pace of my comrades. Trevor was walking behind me, loudly laughing at something Brian said, them clearly reminiscing their past. Sara and Anna trailed even further behind them, communicating in less then indiscreet whispers. Those conniving heathens. Audrey and I lead the pack. We where the only pair not having a dynamic discussion. After no words where exchanged for two blocks, Audrey says to me, with a shiteating grin "Here's your chance, go get your man!" . 

   And with that, I knew. 

   "You where in on it too??" I question. my query is enthusiastic, fueled from the stress of having such a fine specimen of a man walking only feet away from me. If he wasn't so enraptured by his conversation with Brian, he very well may have heard me. He probably has perfect hearing, to match his perfect hair, his perfect teeth and his way more then perfect-

"HERE" Anna exclaims, cutting off my wandering thoughts. Since my one, singular sentence, Audrey has been, not giggling, but her own variation of it. For a whole half of a block. Suddenly, Trevor emerges from behind me, pulling open the door. "After you lovely ladies" he says, with a laugh on his lips and a look of mischief in his eyes. I still don't know how much my darling friends/roommates have told him. Although my obsession has been short lived, i've certainly said some graphic remarks. Women are allowed to objectify men sometimes, as a treat.

   I murmur out a thanks, mentally kicking myself for it afterwords. Usually, i'm not shy. However, the fear of making the wrong move seems to make me to anxious to make a right one. We all shuffle into the cramped but cozy Italian Restaraunt. Michael Buble is playing in the background. I'm not sure what song, but its one with a big brass band. As if on cue, Sara and Brian, a french hornist and a bass trombonist respectively, begin headbanging. Once a band kid, always a band kid. Those two would be in their own little world until the song concluded. Audrey decides to step up, literally and figuratively. As the strong, independent woman she is, she proves her bravery by walking up to the hostess, informing her of our reservation. with a nod, she grabs six menus, and begins leading us through the restaraunt. 

   Anna joins the headbanging blondes, leaving Trevor and I to follow directly behind Audrey and the Hostess. "So what do you do, do you blow too?" he asks, a smirk pulling at his lips. I was just realizing how thin they where. The apparent flaw was somehow unnoticeable due to his overwhelmingly impressive physique. However, mentally processing his question leads me to thoughts other then his lips. Mainly my own. Luckily, i understood the question and the innuendo. "I don't blow for money, unlike some. I prefer to spread my legs when I play. It's kind of necessary to play the Cello." 

   I wanted to cringe at my reply, but I also know that removing my filter provides less awkward conversation then if I try to censor everything I say. Luckily, Trevor seemed to find it a funny reply.

   The table we found ourselves out was a circle and we sat down in the same order we followed the hostess. Which means I was now sitting less then a foot away from the Trevor Zegras. What a dream. On my right sat Sara, who sat next to Brian. Across from me sat Anna, and to the right of her sat Audrey. Brian and Sara where in an intense discussion about the role of low brass in pop music, and Anna was quick to busy herself, and Audrey, with the wine menu. Which left two people in silence.

   "Your friends have told me a lot about you, Erica"

   Good heavens, hearing ,my name roll off his tongue should not be making me feel this way. His sentence, like many he seems to say, was filled with mirth. I could not yet tell if he was toying with me, knowing of my pointless teenage crush or not. "Just how much have they told you? I like to maintain at least some airs of mystery" I say. A server appeared next to me, flipping over the empty glass on my place setting and filling it up with water. Once he set down the glass, I was quick to reach for it. I take a sip, feeling a sense of relief, now having a barrier between Trevor and I. 

   A smirk, yet again, pulls at his lips. This boy could not keep a straight face. However, his constant smiling was not due to anxiety, but the opposite. He seemed extremely assured of himself. Why shouldn't he be? He's just so gorgeous. "Well, I can't tell you everything they said, that would ruin my mystery" he states confidently. He leans in, "plus, there's somethings that I would rather here from you". 

   GOOD LORD that was better then a TikTok edit. We have been maintaining eye contact during that whole exchange, and it was definitely starting to get to my head. "Well, I can't tell you what you want to hear without a hint." 

   "Anything you say is something I want to hear." Now that was outright flirting. I can't make out if he is just teasing me or genuinely interested its so hard when it feels like everything he says is a joke.

   "Well, I believe I have shared how you where the one of the youngest hockey players, and that I find you really cool" I push back. "Really cool, eh?" he says, now officially in smiling territory, that smirk couldn't grow any wider. "Not really hot, wish I could hop on him, be his trophy wife?"

   Now what am I supposed to say to that, I did say all of those things! I am shocked by how direct Trevor was with the delivery. He seems very all or nothing, and now he is clearly in an all mood. 

   "If I did say that, it was supposed to be in confidence!" I claim, shooting a look at Anna, who was not doing anything to hide her eavesdropping. Around the table, laughter was shared at my expense. 

   "I think you have a point, you would make a good wife"

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