Leah Williamson pt.2

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With her arm around me, Leah leads me to her car and before I go to the passenger side, I ask again "Are you sure you want to give me a ride, I feel like an inconvenience....you're probably really busy." "Stopping you right there!" She interferes and gives me a little push, before getting in her car. I hesitate just a second, getting in as well.

We start driving, waving goodbye to Mana, who's about to leave as well. "Would you mind putting on the car playlist from my phone? The code is 0608.", I look for the defenders phone until I realize it's in her lap. I slowly reach other the console and carefully grab her phone, all while feeling my cheeks flushing.
Never had I believed someone, if they were to tell me that'd I ever be this closer to the lioness captain, to say that I am thrilled would be an understatement.
I am ripped out of my thoughts as Leah starts to hum along the song playing, out of reflex I giggle, which she notices and laughs with me, I realize just how happy and at peace I feel.

We arrive on my street and just as fast as my euphoria came, it slipped away again and my smile fades. "Hey, not happy to get home? You've had a long day, you deserve some rest y/n" Leah reassures me. I know she's right, but I really like spending time with her so I reluctantly start getting out of the car. "Thank you so much for taking me, I had a lot of fun." I force a smile. She must have sensed something was off and asked "do you wanna grab a coffee tomorrow before Training? I know a nice cafe and we can go on a walk. I'll tell you a bit about the team and club, how does that sound?".
More than delighted I flash her a smile,"yes I'd love to", I say before closing the car door heading for the house. Before I enter, I turn around and wave back.
I can't wait for the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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