Part 3

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A/N: Meet my version of Rachel.

September. It has been three months I've started my ballet lessons at English National Ballet School. The lessons became tougher day by day. I never thought the beautiful, soft-spoken Madam Giselle that I meet at the airport could be so strict. Everything must be done perfectly, flawless. Her voice echoed in my ears. Whenever anyone of us did mistake - even a tiny one - she would have us all on the floor, do sit up for ten times. But, what I disliked the most was her unending praises for Brianne. The jealousy in me towards her was increasing practice by practice. I tried so hard to match her flawless dance but it was no luck. Brianne was and would always be the top dancer.

Rachel, the daughter of a once famous ballerina, too felt threatened by Brianne's performances. She and her group of followers never stop finding the flaw in Brianne's dance. Sometimes, I became their victim too. If there wasn't any flaw they could find, they would create one just to satisfy themselves. I was furious with their attitude, mostly at Rachel because she was the leader. Instead of pointing other people's mistakes, they should fix their own first. Take Rachel for example, she always said that my pirouette wasn't pretty but she herself barely could do a croise without falling down. Seriously, I felt the need to shout at them every time they tried to mess with me, Brianne or any other girls in the practice.

One fine afternoon, we were practicing the Princess Rose routine when Madam Giselle asked us to stop and gather around her. I sat down by the wall and soon Brianne joined me. I gave her the most sincere smile, to hide overwhelming jealousy. She handed me a towel and a bottle of water. I took them and instantly wiped off the dripping sweats. Brianne had always look out for me, and for that I was grateful.

"Thanks. What's this all about?" I said to her and drank some water.

"I don't know. You look beat up. You put so much effort on the Princess Rose," she replied and wiped her sweaty arms.

"I just love that routine. You look tired too. Your lips are pale. Are you okay?" I said, concerned. I never saw Brianne pale before. She was always the healthier one.

"Umm, I'm okay. Lack of sleep," she replied and smiled weakly. She seemed different but I couldn't put my finger on it. She didn't gain weight and she seemed smaller. But with the extensive practice Madam Giselle gave us, anyone can lose some weight. When I thought back, Brianne had gone to see doctor last week and the month before. She didn't tell me a thing about it and when I asked, she just changed the topic. That got me into curiosity. Was she hiding something from me? I hoped not. We promised that we would tell each other everything and anything.

Madam Giselle loud voice broke me of from my thoughts. She was sitting on her usual chair and we were surrounding her on the floor. She was sophisticated as always. I wondered what her beauty secret for that smooth skin and shinning hair. Every time I saw them, they were prettier than before.

"Fellow students, the reason I gather you all here was because of an important announcement. Exciting too," Madam Giselle said. Immediately there were whispers among us. "There will be a Gala held at the Royal Albert Hall in honour of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's visit. I am telling you this because, our school was asked to perform that night."

Now the whispers were louder. The noisiest group was, of course, Rachel and her girls. I could hear them say "How exciting", "I bet there are hot guys" and "I hope I can shake hand with the Duchess."

"Now, hush everyone. I am not done yet. There are only five spot for the junior. Your seniors have already sent their representative. As for you all, I will hold a test tomorrow. I will choose the five of the best performances and these lucky girls will team up with the senior to perform at the Gala. Now, practice end now. You have the rest of the day to get ready for test tomorrow. Class dismiss," Madam Giselle finished her announcement.

The Ballerina's Love #Wattys2015حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن