Chapter 10: Digging Too Deep

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Azmond enjoyed coming down from the airships. When they dropped anchor, he and Rael were curious. When the Faulk brought out some baskets and started riding them down the lines they'd attached to some trees below, Rael was less curious and Azmond was far more excited. He had so much fun, he convinced Derrol to pull him back up and ride down again!

Sure, it was stinky near the village, and something seemed wrong with the plants that grew everywhere...but it was better than sitting in the captain's room, talking to the Jarl or Gault all day. Especially since Gault seemed very interested in asking him confusing questions. It was hard for Azmond, but the answers seemed to come from somewhere within him. Sometimes he didn't even understand the words that came from his mouth, but he was too embarrassed to tell Gault. Especially since the smith seemed so happy!

The only time he's had any fun this past week was the meals he shared with Rael once they were done climbing all over the ship and tying ropes. Rael would joke and play with Azmond when they ate, and after they would wrestle with him and even sometimes give him piggyback rides as they climbed around the ship. Which is why Azmond was so confused when Rael wanted him to stay on the ship.

"But Rael..." Azmond was nestled in the basket, tried not to whine.

"No buts. It's dangerous down there." Rael looked away as Azmond gave them the best puppy-dog eyes he could muster.

"What if we helped keep him safe?" Someone put a gentle hand on his shoulder. A scowl appeared on Rael's face.

"No. Absolutely not." Rael insisted, shaking their head violently.

"Why not?" Pequit's bangles jingled in his hair as he cocked his head. "As a skald, we go where there is danger, where there is adventure so that we can recount the adventures of mighty warriors." He slammed a fist against his chest proudly, flinching a bit under the force of his own blow.

"And it's not like he'll be alone." Meayetti said as she and Yvon stepped from behind Pequit. "We know how to handle ourselves. A little rambunctious scamp like him needs the distraction anyways. He's been cooped up in the captain's quarters, answering Gault's questions for the past week."

Azmond nodded and looked up to each of them as they spoke in turn, finally facing Rael again with a quivering lip.


Rael bit their lip for a few seconds. They looked between the expectant gazes of the skalds, some of the eavesdropping crew, and Azmond. They threw their arms in the air in exasperation.

"Fine!" Rael swiftly pulled Pequit by his tunic so that he was close enough to hear them whisper in his ear. "If he gets hurt, I will personally—" The rest was too quiet for Azmond to hear, and Pequit's face paled. "—unless you want to start singing your tales in a much higher pitch, Azmond's protection comes first. Understood?"

Pequit frantically nodded.

Rael climbed into the basket behind Azmond, hands gripping tight to the sides. They grit their teeth as they leaned in closer to Azmond.

"When does the basket goOOOOOOO—"

Rael was interrupted by the basket zooming down the line at breakneck speeds, their voice drowned out by Azmond's squeals of joy. Wind buffeted them in the face and Rael clasped Az closer to themselves as their heart thundered in their chest loud enough for Az to feel it on his back. As quick as it began, they slowed down to a stop right at the edge of the water, where Derrol was waiting.

"Again, again!" Azmond cheered, rocking the basket back in forth in jubilation.

"Sorry, little man." Derrol said with a wry smile. "We can't delay any longer. You feeling okay, Rael?"

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