Chapter 8:This feeling.....

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*Next morning*


You open your eyes and sit up.

Let out a yawn.


You looked around and saw Mya and Randall still asleep on their pallets and Tate asleep on the couch.


You get up and walk over to Randall and Mya and put their blankets over them.


You look at Tate with his head layed back asleep with a half drunken beer bottle in his hand.


You sigh with a giggle.

You walk over to him and gently take the beer bottle out of his hand.

You grabbed a blanket and covered him up and kissed his cheek.

"He looks so peaceful asleep, even though he's probably dreaming about a whole massacre."

"I'm actually surprised he's been holding back since we moved here , I know it's probably been hard."

You remember how he almost took Randall's head from the axe throwing yesterday.

"Yeah it's probably hard on him."

"Things will get easier though dear."

You placed your hand on his.

"You got me , and our new friends."

You give him a reassuring smile.

You walked to the closet and grabbed some fresh clothes and walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

Few minutes later you walk out and grabbed your wallet.

"Today me and Tate got work, so I should call Coyote and tell him we might be a little late."

"Today I gotta get our accounts registered at the local hospital not far from here."

"Hopefully they aren't too busy today."

You exit the room and make your way out of the apartment complex.

A sprinkle from the sky hits your nose.

You looked up to see rain clouds.

"Well shit I better make this trip quick."

You walked on the sidewalk praying it doesn't pour.

"I swear to god if it rains hard I'm gonna open a can of whoop ass on Mother Nature."

Hurried along passing sketchy alleyways, porno graphic stores, abandoned buildings and small little businesses.

"Half innocent and half sketchy, yeah I pictured myself living in a area like this."

"I mean , at least I-"

You stop to see the hospital in the distance.


You ran up to the hospital and walked up to the door.

"Hmm, to be honest I should've brought Tate with me."

"I mean of course I love his company,but I barely ever get to wake up on my own anymore without him being asleep on me or already awake before me."

New place, fresh blood: Tate Frost x Fem reader 2Where stories live. Discover now