Cannibal Ancom????

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Ancom had delusional spells. Tankie knew that and could manage them for the most part. Occasionally Ancom would forget qui's name or think the government is watching quem or something. Those were typically easy for Commie to deal with. He would just remind quem that qui was safe and they would go on with their day.

"TANKIEEEE" Ancom called from the other room. Qui ran to the living room where Tankie we was rereading the communist manifesto again. He had it memorized at this point. Qui sat down next to him and rested qui's head onto his shoulder. "What is it Anarkitty?" Tankie turned to the smaller ideology. He sat the book down and put an arm around quem. "Can I not cuddle my boyfriend?" Qui closed qui's eyes and snuggled up to him. "I wanna eat your heart so that we can become one" Qui casually remarked. Tankie looked at quem with a puzzled look. "What do you mean by that Anarkiddy?" He asked with a voice crack. He shifted slightly away from him. "I wanna be one being with you! If I eat your heart we'll be one!!" Ancom lit up and crawled upon Tankie. "If I cut you open and eat your heart and crawl inside you we'll be one!!" The delusional ideology wrapped qui's arms around Tankie's shoulders. Tankie moved away. "Anarkitty I'm worried this isn't healthy-" Ancom put a hand over his mouth and shushed him.

Ancom pulled a knife out of qui's pocket. Tankie pushed the smaller ideology off of him, getting himself cut in the process. Red blood dripped onto the floor as the smaller ideology looked up at him in disbelief. "Tankie.. Why..?" Qui questioned, starting to tear up. "WHAT THE HELL ANCOM?" Tankie snapped. Ancom fell silent as tears fell from qui's eyes. It felt like qui's entire world had just collapsed.

"You.. Don't love me.. do you Tankie?" Those words felt like a stab through Commies heart. He wanted to scream and tell Ancom that it was okay; that he would allow quem to eat him. He wanted to make his kitty happy.

That would kill him, though. He stared down at Ancom for a while. The seconds passed by like years. "Yes Anarkitty, you can eat my heart if that's what makes you happy" Ancom's eyes lit up as qui quickly got up and pushed Tankie back onto the couch. He quickly unbuttoned his jacket and then his turtleneck. Qui stared at his body for a while. Qui ran qui's hands down his body. His toned body. He was so much bigger than Ancom. Qui was so excited to cut into him and make his body qui's new home.

Qui touched the blade to his body. It was cold to the touch. Tankie shivered. "You're so good for me Tankie." Ancom smiled before breaking skin. Tankie winced at the pain. Ancom looked into his piercing red eyes with a look of ecstasy. "I love you Tankie you're doing so well"

  Ancom skipped the slow pain and dug right into him, stabbing him. Qui stabbed and stabbed until Tankie's eyes rolled back into his head. Ancom had fully snapped. Qui giggled at the sight. "You're so handsome Tankie!! I can't wait to crawl inside you!!" Qui made quick work of cutting him open so qui could see his heart.

  Ancom carefully cut the heart out and stared at it. Qui's hand was drenched in blood. Qui took a tiny bite. Pure ecstasy. Qui lapped up the blood from qui's hand and took another bite. "Oh Tankie you taste delicious thank you for letting me eat you" Qui couldn't help quemself. Ancom scarfed the rest of it down. Regret started to build. There was no more Tankie.

  Ancom started to cry at the realization of what qui had done. Qui sobbed. Nobody could hear them. They were in the middle of the woods. Qui quickly cut into Tankie more to make more of a hole. Qui threw qui's clothes off. Qui needed to touch the little warmth Tankie had left in his body. Qui crawled inside of him. It was wet. It smelled disgusting. It was qui's tankie though. That's all qui cared. Qui sobbed while sitting inside the carcass for hours until qui couldn't bare the pain anymore. Qui used the very knife qui used to kill Ancom's beloved Tankie to stab quemself to death. "I love you Tankie. I hope their is an afterlife so I may see you again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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