Quiet as a mouse.

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!Fair warning!

[ This is just a little something to start it off with. i don't really know what i'm doing with this it seemed like a nice little part. The actual  story will more or less normal. ]

{Now off with it then.}>>

Quiet as a mouse we were. 

As we awoke from our slumber.  

Quiet as a mouse,

Remembering our peculiar dreams,  

and noticed a note on ground 

in the middle from where me and Nari both sat

,Scratching our heads in confusion.  

Quiet as a mouse we were. 

As we opened the note.

Unknown of its hidden tale.

Quiet as mouse we were.

As we discovered what the strange letter had foretold. 

What!?. How could this be!?.  we asked in a hushed panic. 

It had seemed as so, that we had been taken to some strange, 

immense maze. And for what?

 For some sort of dastardly game?

Quiet as a mouse we were. peaking  our heads into the vast hallway.

quiet with fear of what may be to come of us. 

quiet with confusion of where we had been taken, what this place hoped to achieve. 

 Just what were they planning?

It seems as tho, as we understood, we were to be given and to figure out various puzzles.

And that there where others that we would find along our marry way.

Others like us. Others that weren't quite considered "normal".

Others that had to been outcast, and thrown out by society. 

Quiet as a mouse we were,

As we all rush, for the gateway to our freedom seaming to race time itself.

Eager to escape this rotten, Wonder Land of a place. 

Quiet as a mouse.  As we take the first step, 

into a new beginning. 

Taking the first step into a new life, 

were we wont have to worry. 

Quiet as a mouse.

As we watch the night slowly creep behind us.

Quiet as a mouse, as we searched for a place where all of us would never have to face the troubles of world, and people within it.

Quiet as a mouse.

Or they shall surly hear you.

Quiet as a mouse, or they shall surly capture you as well.

[Again sorry if this is a bit odd. I don't do this to often, this was just a little idea that i had.

If you have any suggestion of any kind feel free to comment. Even of you don't Its good make a new friend every once in a while. I will be sure to keep working on this when i have the time. So sorry if end up slacking on it from time to time, i tend to get distracted quite a bit. I don't quite have a time set for updates on it yet, But i will sure to keep working.  Hope you enjoyed this little story, again this more of less like a little summery. Mainly so i know what to keep working on :>.

Anyhow.  Hope you enjoyed this and hope that this with interest you anyway. Hay a good time and hope to see you in the first chapter.]

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