Chapter 36

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When I wake up I find that I'm not in my bed or Grant's bed for that matter. As I sit up from Liam's couch the events of yesterday hit me like a bus. I really was hoping it was all just a really twisted dream. Realizing it isn't plunges the knife into my chest once again and I have to physically hold myself together. I let a few tears fall down before I get control of myself. I really don't want to wake Liam up. He was so great yesterday. I can't say it wasn't a little gratifying to watch him hurt Grant. I would've liked to do it myself but I know my stupid tiny fists wouldn't do the damage that Liam's did. Lucky for me, my infatuation with my supervisor led me to working well over 40 hours a week which means I already completed my 400 hours required by my internship a few weeks ago. I hate to give up the opportunity to work under such a brilliant doctor but there is no way I can continue to see Grant every day. It's not like I ever even met Dr. Kingston Sr. anyways. I decide to send him an email with my resignation before I get up and make my way to the kitchen to find some breakfast.

When I walk into the kitchen, I'm surprised to see all the boys, except for Liam who is still sleeping I assume, sitting at the kitchen table. I guess their sleep schedule is a little messed up from being on tour. I walk in and say good morning before I busy myself with making my first cup of coffee. It takes me a few minutes before I realize all four sets of eyes are still staring at me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, confused as to why they all look so shocked.

"You and Liam?" Harry asks with a raised eyebrow. Its only then that I realize what it must look like. I just came out of Liam's apartment, early in the morning, wearing his clothes.

"Oh my god no! It's totally not that. It's kind of a long story." I quickly explain.

"Well my darling, unless you explain we'll be forced to make up our own story." Louis says with a wink.

Not wanting their imaginations to get away from them, I sit down and re-tell the story about Grant and how Liam was trying to make me feel better last night.

"Aww Liv. I'm sorry. I knew I hated that asshole for a reason." Niall says as he wraps me in a giant hug.

"So you're done with your internship now? That doesn't mean you're leaving does it?" Harry asks. I hate to see the sad look in his eyes.

"I mean, yeah I guess it does. If I'm not doing my internship I don't really have anything to do here." I say, my decision finally sinking in. Am I really ready to leave?

"Don't say your goodbyes just yet." Liam says as he makes his way into the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Well tomorrow we are all leaving for Japan and according to this, you are too." He says proudly holding up his phone showing what I assume is an ok from their tour manager.

"Seriously? Oh my god Liam, thank you!" I say as I rush over to give him a hug.

"Hey Niall, they said Lexie can come along too. You think you can make that happen?" He asks from over my head where I'm still squeezing him around the waist.

"Of course, I'll call her in a few hours when she's awake." Niall agrees.

"Great. It's all settled then." Liam says in his authoritative voice he uses when he's making plans. We all go back to eating our breakfasts while I ask the boys about 800 questions about Japan.

The next day we leave very early in the morning. It doesn't matter much because I never went to sleep. I spent most of the day yesterday packing and running around getting everything in order. By the end of the day I was exhausted but as hard as I tried I couldn't fall asleep. Not wanting to impose on Liam any more than I already have, I was forced to sleep in my own room.  I couldn't stop thinking about how everything that happened here was a lie. I was so happy lying in this bed with Grant a few weeks ago and now I can't help but replay everything trying to look for signs. After a few hours of tossing and turning I got up and started refolding everything in my suitcase and reorganizing just to give myself something to do. When Lou knocked on my door at 5 am I was already fully dressed and ready to go.

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