Chapter 1 The Beginning

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My story begins with me in my room looking for something to do. As I think of things to do, friends to hangout with, somebody to bother. Just anything is what I need. I decided to go on a walk because I had to find something. I begin to start walking down a path that is just off the side of my house that leads to the deep woods. I've gone through many of times what should be so different now? As I start my short journey, or so I thought it would be. I start hearing a chirping almost like a bird singing, I stop and look around. This is pretty normal as I say It's the woods but something was off about this chirping, it didn't sound..... real. I brush it off, maybe I'm just tripping myself out. I start walking again only to hear the singing chirps get closer. I think to myself I can make ot to the cabin then I'll head back, as I got more and more creeped out by the chirping I look around. There's nothing out of the ordinary . Maybe I really am creeping myself out, I see the cabin in the distance but the chirps have started to distort in a way. Before it sounded kind of calming and melodic. Now they sound forced and rough, The cabin is owned by my parents as so I had a key.... maybe I'll stay out here for a day or two, there's wifi and power so I should be fine. As I stroll up to the cabin it starts getting dark, I called my parents to let them know I'm okay and where I'm at, but the call was cut short. I lost service, not thinking much of it I turn the fire place on as well as the TV. After a few hours gone by completely forgetting the chirping I heard once more, but this time it came from outside the door. This time it was deep and almost a growl.

I open the door to find nothing once again, after hearing the chirping almost all night I finally got some sleep. Well I passed out more like it. I opened my eyes to see I'm not in the cabin anymore, I'm in a room. A well lit room strapped to a chair with nothing else in it. The walls were white and there seemed to be no escape, I looked everywhere.

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