Chaper 2 Sorting

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As I sit there confused about it all I hear a loud voice come from a speaker above me, "You wonder why your here huh?"
I respond with "does this have to do with the chirping that I've been hearing?"
"It does indeed, that was one of my men looking for you"
I respond all startled "For me?!"
"Not you specifically"
"Then why am I here" I snap back
"Because you and many others , how do I put this"
The voice stopped as they think of what to say
"Are special, I shall do explaining later when you are with the others"
Me being still very confused I try to get out of the chair, I realized it's bolted to the ground below and that there's a square barely going down slightly off from the rest,
Next thing I know the square that the chair was bolted to started going down underneath the room. The straps I was once held with unlocked, I get dropped from the chair as it goes side ways and start falling down this clear glass or acrylic tubing, I look around there's alot of tubes, were these for the others? As I start swiftly going down the tube going more speed by the second I see others falling down just like me. Nice to know I'm not the only. I hit a soft memory foam like surface and I'm at the bottom of the tube. I look up to a nice room looked almost like an oasis, This is beautiful I thought to myself. There were water falls, trees, animals. As I'm looking at the homemade but yet beautiful scenery I see another room and there is glass between them with a door saying "Desert" And that's what it was, it seemed to go on forever. I go inside and look back at the other room I was in and it looked like it gone on forever, Is my mind playing tricks on me? Is this real? I haven't gotten to talk to anybody yet , I'd like to know why I'm here first. I doubt they know either.

Soon after everybody was looking around to find a huge building filled with different environments, even ones that wasn't on earth. I saw a blue forest with red water. It looked so real, With animals I've never seen before. That was it I knew I was dreaming. We heard a loud voice, it was the man before. Now we learn why we're here. Me a 17 year old male surrounded by a bunch of people my age or younger way on a big group listening to what he had to say.
"I've had a brief conversation with all of you individually, I hope you understand this is not for harm, We hope to help you learn and grow from this point further, As some of you may know..... You have superpowers. Some of you we had to test which is why you might have heard chirping. Normal people can't hear the chirps." I think to myself This must be a dream how... no this is a dream. The voice continues "we have all of these rooms for you to learn what you have to offer the world. Whether it be good or evil. It's really in your hands. Ofcourse we strive for you to be kindness and support from you but it's really your choice. Now before we start look at your wrists, there should be a laminated colored paper on your wrist as a bracelet. Your color corresponds to your powers. Listen closely as I will say this only once. RED - fire, telekinesis. BLUE - water , teleportation. GRAY - mind control, animal whisperer, YELLOW - not sure yet.
BLACK - all of the above. Everybody please start to group up, your instructor will be there soon."
As I look down to see the color I have yellow, hmm should I trust them or find a way out? As I look around I find my group of yellows. Not very many people if I say so myself, looking around at the other groups. I couldn't find the black group. It's probably rare to have all of them I guess. As the groups start leaving with their instructor all that's left is my group, the unknowns. We start going from room to room trying to figure out what we can do. My instructor than explains that we won't be in this group for long it's only until we find our place.... our place? This will be rough I've never been able to fit in anywhere, why do you think I'd spend a weekend in a cabin by myself?

As people start to find their groups all that's left is me and a girl. The instructor says "Looks like you two need some help, What are things you like doing in your free time?" The girl quickly answers with a list, "I like drawing, reading and singing, well there's a load more but I can't think about it right now." The instructor said "Great and you Alex?" I got startled cause I haven't told anyone my name... and not only that is my legal name I haven't gone by Alex in years, I respond with "It's Max by the way and about the same, I draw, go on walks, reading, and I love listening to music it's my favorite way to pass time." The instructor said "Sorry, Max but it seems like I know why you two haven't found your groups. Normally when this happens your a black, can't find something your good at if your good at all of it right? Please excuse me while I talk to the headmaster" Me and the girl look at eachother all surprised, I think we're the only ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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