Chapter 1: The First Day of College

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(London, 1860s)
During the Victorian Era of The Great Britain. It was a spring at that time. One aristocrat's carriage was running towards the well-known university. As it arrived the front gate, the cart driver got down from the horse and opened the carriage door. The lady took her step down from the beautiful carriage. She walked up the stairs towards the large building in front of her. As she turned around and smiled.
"Thank you so much for sending me here, Mr. Butler." She said while giving him the tips.

     The footsteps of this lady walking through the campus hall can be heard throughout the whole corridor. She then stopped in front of the huge billboard, looking for her name, so that she can find out which class she would have during the whole college year.
"Rosy Greyson, hmmm....where is my name?" She mumbled as she looked through the long list of the students names because it was her first day of college.
"Found it!" She said as she pointed her finger on her name.

Rosy Greyson was her name. She was an aristocratic lady, and a daughter of the Earl and the Countess. But despite her being a noblewoman, she still believed that she should treat people equally no matter what their social hierarchy is. Being in college was the only time that she could act like a normal people. Rosy couldn't be more excited to make friends.

Suddenly, she felt that there was a figure standing beside her. She turned around and saw the girl with brunette hair and green eyes. She was also looking for her name too, so Rosy offered a help.
"Hi, are you looking for your name too?" She asked, then the girl turned to her right and nodded.
"Uh-huh. Yes." The girl said.
"How about I help you find it. What's your name?" Rosy asked kindly.
"M...M-Monica...L-Louise..." The girl said nervously.
"Oh! H-Here is it...n-never mind...thank you, my lady." The girl suddenly said because she just found her name, and quickly thanked Rosy politely.
"Oh my! You don't have to be so formal. We're going to be classmates anyway." Rosy told her nicely.

Monica looked at the lady next to her carefully. The jewelleries, the fabric hat, At accessories, the hot pink coloured dress, and everything. She can tell by just gazing that the lady who was standing beside her was a high-class. That made her nervous because she was just a commoner who was about to have classes with the aristocrat.
"A-Are you sure? I mean, look at you. You are definitely a high-class lady. Well, I am a nobody. I cannot be compared to you." Monica asked nervously.
"That's fine. I do not wish for you to treat me like a lady or anything. I just wanted to have the happiest college years and make some friends, so what do you say? Will you be my best friend." Rosy asked nicely, waiting for an answer.
"Well, if you say so, then yes. I will be your best friend." Monica replied with the bright smile on her face after knowing that she didn't have to act formal toward the aristocrat and could treat her as the same level as everyone else.
"Very well. By the way, my name is Rosy Greyson. Nice to meet you, Monica." Rosy said as she lent one of her hands. Monica then shook hands with her and said "Nice to meet you too, Rosy."

"Your blonde hair is pretty gorgeous, bestie."
"Oh really? Thanks! Yours too!"
"I live in this collage's dorm, you know? Do you live in a dorm too?"
"Oh no. Unfortunately. Guess we can't have a sleepover after all since my father would send the butler to take me home in the carriage every day."
"Oh hey! Our home room teacher is professor Williams. What kind of person do you think he is?"
"I don't know....this is also my first day. I hope he's not too strict." Their friendly conversation were said while walking from the whole corridor. Even after they arrived at the cafeteria, they were still chitchatting. Without a doubt, Rosy accidentally tripped, but suddenly, some guy lent a hand to help her up.

Rosy looked up to face the handsome looking upperclassman reaching his hand out for her. She gazed at him for a while. Tall, skinny, dark haired, pale, sparking eyes, those are what described this gentleman.
"Do you need help?" He asked with a soothing voice. A British accent with a little bit of Japanese accent mixed together. She nodded as she reached her hand to grab his hand and got up. Suddenly, her whole face turned so red that she couldn't even bare to face him. She quickly thanked him with one bow and walked away.

Rosy and Monica came to sit on the table in the cafeteria before the classes started as Monica was having breakfast while Rosy just sitting there, drinking her Earl Grey tea and talked to her.
"Hey Monica, this might be a little bit weird question, but do you know who that gentleman is?" Rosy asked as she pointed at the man who just helped her.
"Oh...him? He is an upperclassman. I heard that he is also very popular among the ladies. I think his name is Ken Mitsudori. He is half British, half Japanese." Monica explained innocently.
"How did you know this?" Rosy asked her curiously.
"Well, I heard from the people in the dorm talking because he is also staying in the dorm too." Monica answered.
"Oh well...what a shame that I didn't get to stay at the dorm. Otherwise I'd get to meet him more often." Rosy said as she sighed hopelessly.
"What's wrong?" Monica asked.
"Umm...h-how do I put this? I...think I have a crush on him! I-It's like love at the first sight!" Rosy quickly said while her face was turning red again.
"Oh! Yeah, I understand. All the girls have a crush on him too, so it's normal, but he is no high-class though. Is that okay with you." Monica asked calmly.
"It doesn't matter at all. I love his personality not his hierarchy." Rosy quickly answered.
"But would your aristocratic parents allow that? Because I heard that all nobles were supposed to be married to another noble. They could not be with the commoner even if they wanted to." Monica asked curiously.
"Yea, it's true. I just hoped that my father wouldn't set me up with someone I don't love." Rosy replied with a sad face.

  (Some where in the battlefield at the same time.)
"FIRE! I said FIREEEEE!!!!!!"
"Sir, we ran out of ammo!"
"Then go charge in!!! Fight with melee weapons!!! Give them everything you've got. Even if it means your life!!!!"
"B-But sir, we can't fight them anymore. They're too strong." The battlefield was full of the bullet shooting noises and the grenades noises, with the voices of screaming soldiers as they were fighting with their lives against the enemy. Suddenly, one brave Grenadier soldier stepped up to the front and took out his shotgun that has the last bullet within. He aimed at the enemy's General's head and said "If I can't defeat them, at least let me get their general. Say goodbye to your general, you bastards!" before he pulled a trigger.


The sound of the last bullet from that Grenadier's shotgun. The bullet was almost hit the general's head, but he dodge, made the bullet missed and hit the rock behind him instead.
"We can't hold them off any longer! Retreat!!! I repeat, all British Grenadiers, RETREAT!!!!"

The British Grenadiers all retreated back to their base for recovery. While sitting there and resting, one man screamed in anger. "ARRRRGGGGHH!!!! Why why why WHY!?" as he punched the wall harshly.
"What's wrong, Craig?" The voice said as he tapped on the shoulder of the raged soldier.
"UGH! Don't you know what's wrong, Andrey!? I was about to finish off their general, but I missed! GAAAAHHHH!!!!! I Want To Kill Him So Bad!" The dark haired soldier said angrily while punching the wall.
"Stop it! You're going to hurt yourself and you won't have enough energy for the next battle." The blonde soldier behind him said while grabbing his hands to calm him down.
"Leave me alone, Andrey!!! You don't understand how I feel. In fact, you don't understand my hatred towards the enemy!" Craig scolded his comrade as he pushed Andrey aside and walked out of the room and slammed the door harshly.

(Meanwhile, in the mysterious place)
A middle aged chubby lady looked into her pot. She spilled the ingredients into to pot and started doing some ritual. As she stirred the pot with her hand that has long scary looking fingernails. She looked into the magical pot and saw the previous events at the college and battlefield.
"Heheheheheh....anger, vengeance, heartbroken, forbidden love, and the list goes on....I can fix all of that...with a blink of an eye. And then all of your emotions and pain will go away.....Let's start my propaganda now. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!"

~~~~~~(To be Continued...)~~~~~

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