Chapter One: The Day They Met

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Circle in the sky, Mox," Blitzo sighed. "I wish we didn't have to spend all our time searching for bugs to eat. It can get pretty tiring after a while," Blitzo lamented. "Well, it could be worse, sir, at least we have each other," Moxxie told him. "Yeah, that's true!", Millie chimed in. "It's fun, and besides, it gives us something to do. It would get pretty boring around here if we didn't need to eat, you know." "Yeah, I suppose you're right," Blitzo admitted. One day, on one of their many adventures foraging for insects, they came across a young Bigtooth pup getting pushed around by other dinosaurs. It was clear that she wanted desperately to fight back,
but she was feeling too tired and weak to do so. "Hey you... get away from her!!!!", Blitzo screamed. He and his friends chased the mean dinosaurs away. "Hey, are you okay?", Blitzo asked her. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me." She tried to walk away, but she struggled to do so and fell to the ground. "You're hurt... please,
let us help you," Blitzo pleaded. "I don't need any help. Why would you want to help me? You don't even know me," she winced from the terrible pain she was in. "It's okay to accept help from others, no one will think any less of you for doing it," (Even if you are a Bigtooth, Millie muttered under her breath). "Yeah, Blitzo is a good guy, he'll take good care of you. Believe me, I know, he's the closest thing to a father that my girl and I have," Moxxie assured her. "Speaking of fathers, where are your parents? Do you have any loved ones we could help you find your way back to?" Blitzo wondered. "No," the Bigtooth replied sadly. "I've never had any family, it's just been me," she choked up. Blitzo was moved with empathy, and  wanted to give her all the love he had in his heart. "Why don't you come with us and we can help you heal, and maybe someday, I can be the daddy you never had," Blitzo smiled. "All right, I'll come with you. Let me heal first, and then we'll see," she chuckled. " I suppose you guys deserve to know my name. It's Loona," she told them. "I'm Moxxie!" "I'm Millie!" "And I'm-" "I already know your name. Blitz, right? I like that name. "Well, actually, it's-", "Stuff it, Mox!" "But sir-", "It's okay, I like "Blitz" better, anyway, it has a nice ring to it." "You don't need to change your name for me, it's all right," Loona reassured him. "It's okay, Loonie, I think it can be used to signify a new beginning for me; a new chapter in my life." "Do you want me to change my name to "Loonie", then?"; Loona inquired. "Oh, no, Loona is a very beautiful name, you don't need to change a thing," Blitz laughed awkwardly. "Maybe someday I will," Loona winked. Loona would come to appreciate the love he gave her, and though she was reluctant for a while to outwardly acknowledge him as her father, in due time, she did, and after five years had passed, she even wanted everyone to call her "Loonie", true to her word, though Blitz would sometimes have trouble remembering. Of course, it being one of these searches that brought a daughter into his life, Blitz would never complain about needing to search for bugs ever again.

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