Chapter Three: Return of the Featherhead Sharpteeth

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Blitz and his friends were out searching for bugs to eat, as per usual when one day, Blitz encountered a surprisingly friendly featherhead sharpteeth and his family. The featherhead grunted at him in a friendly way. "GAH! A FEATHERHEAD SHARPTOOTH!!!! PLEASE DON'T EAT ME," Blitz cried out. He shook for a bit before starting to run away. The featherhead looked sad, and then he stared at the ground. "Wait, please don't run away," a younger, female featherhead sharptooth called out as she came out from behind him. "We're friendly sharprteeth, we only eat bugs, we don't want to hurt you," she promised. "Oh, thank goodness, me, too," Blitz breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, you can't be too careful out here." "I understand completely,"the young dinosaur assured him, "don't worry," she smiled sweetly. "My name is Octavia Featherhead, and this is my father, Stolas Featherhead." "Nice to meet you, Octavia, Stolas. I would introduce you to my friends, Moxxie & Millie, and my adopted daughter, Loona, but I think they might have fled in terror by now. I'm sure I can introduce you guys to them, later," Blitz winked. "Of course," Octavia smirked. "But afraid of my father, really?", Octavia chuckled. "My father is harmless, he couldn't hurt a fly," she giggled. Stolas tried to motion for Blitz to come over to him with his small arms. "Rah," he softly grunted to Octavia. "What's he saying?" Blitz asked her. "He says he really likes you and he wants to give you a hug." "Really? Well, I'm flattered that he thinks so highly of me." Blitz couldn't understand him, but he could see the genuine love and affection for him that he had in his eyes. They do say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, after all. When Blitz went to hug him, he could feel all the warmth that came from the love inside Stolas's heart, and was astonished to find that such love could come from the heart of a creature as normally as ferocious as a Sharpteeth. "Well, your father certainly is a nurturing fella, isn't he?" "Oh yes, my father is a very kind-hearted and loving dinosaur, that's something I've always loved about him." "Is he normally this friendly around other dinosaurs?" "Oh yes, he loves everyone, and he tends to be very friendly around everyone he meets, but he seems to have taken a special liking to you." "Oh really? And why is that?", Blitz crossed his arms. "I don't know, I think maybe he can sense something good in you that can't be seen with the naked eye, that there must be good in your heart, maybe even if you can't see it yourself, is that right, Dad?" Stolas nodded politely. "See? He knows right away that you're the kind of person that he'd like to be friends with, he's good like that. "Well then, I should consider myself lucky that such a warm-hearted reptile wants to be my friend." Blitz beamed. "Is your mother so kind?" "Um, well... erm, she won't EAT you, at least," she shrugged. "Eh heh." "I suppose I should consider myself DOUBLY lucky, then," Blitz scoffed. "GRAAAH!!!", another large Featherhead Sharptooth came over, this time a female, roaring loudly at Stolas. "GRAAAH!!!", she repeated again. "Grah...", Stolas growled meekly in response. "GRAAAAAAHWL!!!!", the other Feathertoothed Sharpteeth screamed back at him. Blitz couldn't understand what they were saying, but their body language made that perfectly obvious. Here was poor, sweet Stolas, a gentle giant, being treated badly by a female dinosaur whom Blitz could only assume was Octavia's mom. "What's going on, Octavia? Why is she being so mean to Stolas?", Blitz worried. "Oh, her? That's my Mom. We call her "Stella", Octavia sighed. "She's always really mean to my father for no reason. I think whenever he shows any kindness to anyone else, it upsets her. My mother is the jealous type, he gets a lot of heat just for being nice to me," she revealed. "How could such a kind soul marry such an old dinosaur like her?", Blitz was flabbergasted. "I think their parents set them up, is what he told me. They needed to breed, I guess. Something about there being no more Feathered Sharpteeth, otherwise." "But why haven't the two of them separated?", he asked her. Prestige, I suppose. She can look like she's twice as powerful with him by her side, and I don't think she wants to give that up. Maybe if someone put her in her place, she might agree to grant him a divorce." "But I thought you said he wouldn't hurt a fly? He won't, but other dinosaurs won't know that immediately. He DOES look pretty intimidating, after all, he sure scared you when you first saw him, and he wasn't even TRYING to be scary," Octavia laughed. "And he keeps on being kind to people, even though he knows that Stella hates it so much, and that he'll suffer for it?", Blitz started to tear up. "Of course, that's just the kind of dinosaur my father is. I hope I can be half as kind as he is, someday," Octavia beamed. "I do feel bad for him, though, I wish he had someone to stand up for him." Blitz stood tall. "He does now, little missy. Just leave everything to me." "Thank you, um..." "Blitz." "Thank you, Blitz." "Don't mention it, sweetie." "Hey, you! STELLA!!" Stella stopped roaring at Stolas and looked at him quizzically. "Yeah, you! Why don't you stop being mean to him and start being mean to someone smaller than you for a change?", Blitz demanded. "GRAAAH!" She roared in his face. Blitz stood firm. "You don't frighten me," Blitz assured her.  "Grah?", Stella responded, confused. No one had ever not been frightened of her before. "You heard me. Now you need to either start treating Stolas better, or leave him alone. A dinosaur like him deserves better than someone like you," he insisted. "Grah..." Stella stormed off in a huff. Blitz looked over at Octavia. "Well, Octavia, how did I do?" "Well, you certainly put my mother in her place. I'm very proud of you, she can be a real leaf-eater sometimes. And I think that my Dad is even more greatful. She looked over at him. Stolas was making the same motion with his little arms again, but this time with tears in his eyes. "Rah...", he mumbled softly. "Let me guess, ANOTHER hug?" "Yeah," Octavia giggled. "It's all right, I don't mind at all. Come here, ya big lug." They hugged, and Stolas cried tears of joy in his arms. "There there, big guy, I know, I'm here now, it's okay. She can't hurt you any more. Don't worry, I'll protect you." "Rah?" "You bet, big guy." "RAH!", Stolas roared happily. "You're welcome, anything for a friend," Blitz guaranteed.

Stella was angry. This Fast Biter had come into her life out of NOWHERE and upset the natural order of things. He took the power she had over Stolas away. He would pay DEARLY for his impudence. He would watch his new friend die before his eyes, Stella mused. Stolas couldn't be allowed to live, not if he could no longer be submissive to her. She couldn't kill him herself, Octavia would never forgive her. She would need to find some other dinosaur to do this, someone cunning, someone SMART. And she knew EXACTLY the dinosaur for the job. "MWAHAHAHAHA!" Stella roared. "What was that, dear?" "Oh, nothing Stol-AHSS, I was just thinking of something funny." "I see, and what might that be, Stella?" "Your demise", she whispered. "What did you say, darling?" "Nothing." "Oh, never mind. You and I could never properly communicate, anyway." He walked away. "Oh, you have NO idea, my DARLING husband," Stella smirked. "Muhuhu, Mwahaha, MwahaHAHhahaha!!!", Stella cackled.
"MOM!", Octavia shouted. "What is it, my child?" "Shut the LEAF up!!!!" Stella blushed with embarassment. Stolas would need to be done away with as soon as possible, that was for certain. The only question now was not IF, but WHEN...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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