Chapter 1 (intro)

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After so many years of training and fighting, Muzan Kibutsuji, the overlord of demons, had finally been defeated. After an unbearable amount of time where Demon Slayers were roaming through villages with dried, aging blood browning on the walls, or finding homes with tearing claw marks from overpowered demons, there was finally peace. Silence within a quaint town was normal and calming instead of unsettling, which left them with peace of mind instead of having to worry that the lack of sound was screams silenced from massacred bodies.

Tanjiro was still in the hospital, but Zenitsu visited him often alongside Inosuke, Nezuko, and some of the retired Hashiras. Whenever they brought gifts, or even simply came to say "hello," Tanjiro would tear up with joy, which prompted a lecture from his sister. None of the four really had any family left, other than Tanjiro and Nezuko, so they all considered each other family. After the Demon Slayer Corps. had disbanded, they couldn't take shelter in the fortress anymore, so they all resided in the Kamado's old home.

Zenistu was usually the one who prepared meals and cleaned the home, but he didn't mind because he enjoyed the company of the three of them. Plus, it gave him something to do.

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