Chapter 2

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Branches from pink sakura trees swayed in the breeze as blossom petals were swept with the wind. Zenitsu sat beneath the cool shade of the tallest sakura tree, enjoying the serene silence that was sometimes distracted by crowing birds or bunnies chasing after each other.

He liked spending time alone, especially in this tranquil spot where no one else ever wandered. He appreciated the breeze and fresh berries that ripened beneath the summer sun.

He wondered what life would have been like if demons never existed. He could have lived his life in quiet peace and serenity for so much longer. But if he had never joined the Demon Slayer Corps, he would have never met the wonderful friends he had made; a wreath of tight bonds that he would never take for granted.

A sudden hand on his shoulder made him whirl around, his heart racing from the scare. As he looked up, his terrified eyes met with Nezuko's. She grinned at him, her bubblegum pink eyes glinting with smugness from the amusement she found from his reaction. "Hey, Zenitsu!"

Warm embarassment flitted across his face. "Nezuko! What are you doing here? I didn't see you."

Nezuko giggled faintly. "I know! I wanted to have some fun and scare you." She took a seat next to her friend, hugging her arms around her knees. "I like to hang out here sometimes. It's really pretty here."

"Really? I didn't know you came here too!" A rush of pure excitement fizzed inside him as he stood up and offered a hand to Nezuko. "If you think this place is cool, I know a spot that blows this one away!"

Nezuko matched his excitement and took his hand. "You do? You gotta show me!"

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