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Great, it's time for my call with this idiot. I'm supposed to be talking with this guy who's supposed to be this big time TikTok influencer. He has like a million followers, and he makes stupid videos that gain him likes as if he's saving the world. He got a hold of our firm for marketing, and to tell you the truth I wanted to cancel our meeting, but Kelly says his kind of work is what's big right now. She said once we work with him all the others will come after. 

I can see my receptionist heading my way from the glass door to my office. I'm going to stop her before she comes in here to tell me what I already know. "I got it Cindy. Thanks, I'll take it from here. Hi Mr. Felix, how are you? "Doing great since I have you on the phone. I'm excited to be working with you and you better give my girl her referral fee because she's the one that led me to you." he said.

His voice was so annoying, and I wanted to hang up on him so badly. I'm a grown ass woman and he's on the other end of the line like I'm eighteen. What's with these young kids nowadays? 

Do they ever take anything serious and who is this girl that I must give a referral fee to when I do not know who she is. Whoever told this fool that we do referral fees is dead wrong. 

"Wow you will have to thank her for me. What's her name? I want to make sure I have her full address so we can send the fee directly to her." I spoke. 

I know I know I just played myself. If I didn't do this, then Kelly would be on my back. Where is she by the way?" We usually go to lunch if we can make it happen. I probably will have to go to her office, to make sure she's in there. They walk down the hallway; I see the staff casually acting like they are working when they see me. I do not know why they do that every time I walk around. 

I'm not a pig. I think I am a good boss and I love to see my employees socializing and enjoying their environment. It makes me feel like they love being here. I love them. They make this firm what it is today. I went to school with all of them. It's only twenty of us but we run like we're a corporation. "Well. There she is the woman that makes my life easy." I was standing in Kelly's doorway with my sexy stance. "Are you free to go to lunch?" "Yea well we have to hurry because I am leaving early to meet hubby for dinner and a movie." 

"Hey, get out of here and meet your husband, I will take care of the rest." I spoke. "Are you sure?" I can just take my calls for the afternoon and wrap up." "Get out of here, say hi to me. You two have fun."

I was sad that we didn't have a full day together. I really miss my friend. Sometimes I get scared because I think she's going to leave me and go on her own. Running her own business was really her idea and I told her to work with me. 

At times my mind plays tricks on me, and I start thinking all kinds of crazy things. She already told me that she is not going anywhere but you just never know. I'm waiting to hear when she tells me that she's pregnant and then I can kiss my girlfriend goodbye. I know at that time that once she stays home, she will not come back to work after having her baby, and why should she. I totally support any woman taking some much-needed time off to start a family.

I took care of the calls she had left for the day, and I even called it quits early. My receptionist gave me a dirty look because when I leave early, she must clean up after the both of us. I went home, cooked myself some dinner watched a movie and dreamed that a handsome man, came over to my house around two in the morning and fucked my brains out. I smoked a cigarette afterwards. Well at least that was how the dream ended. Today I feel great. 

It is Friday, and we usually go out for drinks and have chick talk. We talked about our clients, and if any of them were good looking men. My receptionist is on the prowl for a man, as well so we often talk about our stories on how close we were to having dates. It's just the three of us that go to the bar right up the street from my apartment building. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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