Ad'ria and Neteyam

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I just love Jake's and Neytiri's back story of forbidden love

Also this is the same time when Lo'ak and Tsireya had their date.


This little skxawng called Lo'ak is hittin on my sister... I'm not gonna lie... They look cute together and they like each other... But he's a skxawng... But I don't care... I have a date with Neteyam in the forest... I was there one time when I was like 13...12...cant remember but a Thanator saw me and chased me until he couldn't come out of forest cuz there are many people.

I was already set up. Blue bottom and red to purple top. I have kind of darker skin than most of the people here in Metkayina clan...
And also purple eyes. They didn't really mind though. Well some didn't some did.

I heard steps and I knew it was Neteyam so I jump out of my seat to see him smiling at me and looking around. No one was watching so he pulled me closer to him by my waist and whispered "hey... You look nice" "Thanks... You too." "Shall we go? "

"Yeah... Let's go" we walked to the forest and sat down at the glistening floor... It lighted up as we took each step and I admired every moment and every glow it did... And there were also flying flowers

Neteyam's POV

We played with flowers that spin around and fly... "Look" I tapped a flower as Ad'ria the most beautiful girl spun around and looked at me with a wide smile as she saw a flower spinning around. "Come on... Don't be scared... They don't bite" "go fuck yourself" I said with a  sarcastic smile while gritting my teeth

"Only if you watch me" "Ok" "ok" as he said 'ok' he started putting his hands playfully around his loincloth "I DIDN'T MEAN IT LITERALLY" he started laughing as I covered my eyes "You fell for that*wheez*I can't-"

"Ok... It's not that funny" I said while rolling my eyes "hey... Don't roll your eyes at me or I give you another reason to".

" 'Teyam... Did Lo'ak taught you these pick up lines? " "Nah... Learned them from mom and dad when they didn't know I saw there... I'm kinda sneaky u'know"

"Ok can we just have a normal date? "

"What's a normal date for you? "

"Talking... Laughing... Kissing... Eating... Drinking... What about you? "

"Same as you" "ok"

We spend the 2 hours laughing and talking

Neteyam's Pov

I should kiss her.... But it's not a good time she's laughing now... I gotta for a more intense moment

"Do-do you remember*wheez* how Lo'ak tried to swim on the illu but ended up doing a fricking backflip in the water" She said while patting my back... 'Ak' (ouch)

"Yeah... OI OI DO YOU REMEMBER HOW YOUR FATHER ALWAYS PICKED ON LO'AK THE DAY AFTER WE SNEAKED OFF" I shouted and laughed while she started laughing but no sounds only her opening her mouth and slapping my back while slowly lying down the grass and now hitting the ground.

"M-m-my sto-stomach... An-and Ja-jaw"
"Sto-stop." "I can't. "

The laughter died down and now we were hungry

"Hey... You hungry" she asked while pursing her lips together. "Yeah.. What about you? "

"I have a basket from sea weed, the strong one andddd there are utumauti (the purple fruit)

"HOW? I THOUGHT THEY WERE ONLY I  FOREST... AND THEY'RE ALSO MY FAVORITE FRUIT" I bursted out I didn't know they had that yummy dummy fruit in here Awa'altu

"Of course we don't dummy... Your mom gave them to me... Don't ask... That was the most embarrassing scene I have EVER experienced"

What happened and thanks ma

"Alright I'm gonna ask after we eat this. "

She fricking fed me.

"Open your mouth.. Aaaaaaa"
"You're not funny"
"Yes I am
" no you're not
"Yes I am
" no you're not
"Well If I'm not funny why is your mouth opened? You wike da ship? " she said the last sentence in baby voice.
"You know the damn reason why it's opened" I said while smirking.

She banged the fruit into the basket... Nearly opening it. "Can there be one conversation between us where you don't say a dirty joke? " "nope" I responded to her rhetorical question and popping out the 'p'
"That was a rhetorical question dumbass"

"I might be dumbass... But you like that dumbass" she gasped as I finished my sentence "what? " I asked she had a fake hurt expression. "Like? Like? ! Bitch?
Neteyam Te Suli Tsyeyk'itan... I love you.. "

She said it with passion... Not joking around not laughing but adorlingly and genuinely smiling with a little sparkle in her eyes. I looked at her as her spots on her body started to lit up a bit. "I love you too Ad'ria soon to be Te Suli Ronal'ite. " She smiled wider if possible. And so did I.

And that was the intense moment.

I leaned in a bit.. Hesitating not knowing if she wanted to kiss.

But then she leaned in.

That's all I needed.

I tilted my head a bit to the right and but then moved back

Ad'ria POV


fuck it

I grabbed his neck and pulled him towards me... Our lips moving in sync to one another.

My lips and soul felt full... Like a puzzle piece with a missing puzzle. But now that puzzle is found.

I love him.
And he loves me.

Guys I can't think of anything like my mind is just blank I didn't know what to write and I would be more than happy if y'all could give me any ideas like a little tips... Because this is my first time writing a book so please
And thank you and owe you for not updating sooner. Sorry for the 5-6 days of wait

Word count:1002

Neteyam x Ad'ria// I Fell In Love With Your EyesWhere stories live. Discover now