The Day Of Unity

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2 days remain the final countdown is beginning Gus hadn't come out of his room since yesterday he's been crying his eyes out he barley slept he couldn't stop thinking of yesterday Eda walks in too give him breakfast she sees Gus making an illusion of Axel and as he was about too hug it he notices Eda and quickly gets rid of the illusion "goops do you wanna talk about it" Gus sighed "I don't think I want too yet..." "well you have too eat Gus ok I know you miss Axel it hurts too lose someone who was very close too you but you-" Gus snapped "I hate myself! I just lost someone so so important to me I was so so ready too tell him how I felt but I waited too long I just wish I could turn back time and prevent what happened yesterday" Eda sighs "hey you shouldn't feel bad about yourself you've been through so much and you're going through this day of unity and I am confident Gus Porter Clawthrone-" Gus sighed "never call me that" he chuckled "anyway,I believe you can through this the hole in your heart can be filled with the love of your loved ones and I promise you'll find someone who loved you just as much as Axel did and I'm sure they'll find you now please come out and have some breakfast ok we don't have too talk about what happened yesterday ok now let's head up" Gus smiles a little "ok..." they head up and Luz asks "are you ok?" Gus smiles "I'm fine let's just get breakfast" they all had there breakfast and they all talked about school and all fun stuff Marcus was walking out Gus quickly made an illusion of Axel so Marcus wouldn't have too worry "he'll have too find out eventually Gus"  Willow told him Gus sighed "I know but for now we have too pretend he's here for Marcus ok" they all agreed 10 hours of fun and games and making several illusions of Axel and almost being caught then 5 hours later Marcus woke from his nap he had called for Axel but Gus was getting tired and exhausted "he's coming" he tried making an illusion but was too tired too "come on please" 25 minutes later Marcus walked out "Axel?" Gus turned around making the illusion *sh!t* he thought "where is Axel Gus I saw that illusion where's my big brother!?" Gus tried lying saying "he's out" Marcus wouldn't buy it "where is he!? He walked closer to Gus" Gus was out of options "Marcus come here and have a seat with me ok we need too have a serious talk ok" Marcus sits on the couch "so do you understand what death is?" Marcus shook his head "well death is where someone does and-" "do they come back?" Marcus asked Gus frowned wiping a few tears away "no once someone's dead they're never coming back you're sadly never gonna see Axel again for a very very long time buddy...I'm sorry" Marcus looked terrified "so axels gone and he's never coming back" Gus shook his head "I'm sorry" Marcus denied it " no no no no n-no this is a joke right Gus? You're telling a joke aren't you" Gus lowered his head "I'm not telling a joke I'm sorry Marcus but he's gone forever" Marcus's eyes filled with tears "no! He's not gone! He can't be dead!" Gus "Marcus-" Marcus cried "go away" he ran too his room in tears Willow noticed and asked "what's wrong?" Marcus says "is it true!! Is Axel not coming back" Willow sighs and nodded "it's true I'm sorry" Marcus goes too his room and cries Gus sighs "I-I feel so horrible.." Hunter looked at him "why?" "He found out it was all an illusion he now probably hates me" Hunter went too Marcus's room "hey buddy can we talk" Marcus spoke "ok" "I'm sorry you had too find out he's gone" "I'm just scared too be alone after I was abandoned and after Axel adopted me I thought I find a home but he's now gone it's just hard too come too terms that I'll never see him and hear his voice again I don't know how too move on" Hunter sighed "Marcus he maybe gone but the love you have for him isn't he may not be here physically but in your heart he's there and up in the clouds he's smiling watching over you ok" Marcus nodded "okie" he walked too Gus "Marcus I'm-" Marcus shushed him" no needs too be sorry Gus it's okie we can both think about him together" they share a tight hug looking at the stars smiling and cuddling each other. The very Next Day was the Day of Unity they all head too Belos too fight him off Hunter send Marcus Anthony and Fluffy through the portal as Austin Garnet Amethyst Pearl Steven Lapis Bismuth Peridot and Connie come too fight off Belos it's a bit of a sloppy fight Gus catches the gemstones while vulnerable he uses the invisibility glyph and runs too put the gemstones in his bag Charizard is ready too fry Belos but Belos overpowers Charizard Austin calls out and mega evolves it and send Belos back a few inches Willow takes everyone under the ground Garnet Amethyst Pearl and Steve are evacuating citizens like Mattholomule,Edric,Emira,Viney,Jerbo,Barcus,Lorelei,Augustine all of who they're able too save meanwhile Steven and Austin grab hands and form Cotton Candy Quartz all is well and then the collector is freed and all hell breaks lose the warp is about too be smashed but they all enter last second before Garnet throws the rock and destroys it as she smashed the warp pad sending Amethyst and Pearl back too the temple garnet is throwing boulders giant rocks everything too save the citizens and evacuate them too safety Garnet quickly is about too save King and was blown back and gets poofed cracking upon impact Luz opens the door but nothing all they can do is get shelter Austin directs Matt and all they could evacuate too both the temple and little homeworld as Luz Amity Willow Hope Gus Marcus Anthony Fluffy and Hunter head too Camilas house "hey mom..I'm back" meanwhile back on the isles a giant flash of light is shown and all we can see is a familiar hand turn into a giant monster hand

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