Finding out

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Camila let's them all in "should we now hope too find Axel?" Gus didn't speak he just ignored her "kid?" Luz sighs "we'll talk about it later ok mom" Camila was confused "ok?" Luz introduces her friends too Camila as they all sit in the kitchen dinner table Gus silently cried a little "um" Camila asked "Luz would you like too talk about Axel" Hunter covered Gus's ears Luz took a deep breathe and said "he's dead his own brother killed him he died just too save Gus's life" Camila looked horrified "oh my goodness" she walked towards Gus Gus thought the was gonna get beat up but Camila just wrapped her arms around him "I'm so sorry for your loss Gus" all Gus could do is cry everyone soon have him a hug Gus cried uncontrollably "I'm so glad I have you guys here as he hugged them back they all get ready for bed and Marcus shakes Gus awake "yes little dude?" "Can I sleep with chu please" Gus smiled "of course you can" they all snuggled up but smirked a little snuggling Hunter Anthony and Fluffy got onto the couch too sleep the next morning came it was about 5-6 am Gus can be seen awake and what he assumes too he is a dream? A bright light shines "Gus?" It called Gus felt he could recognize the voice so he walks towards it and he just sees Axel he runs too Axel "Axel! Oh my Titan I've missed you the others have got too find this out" he goes too grab Axel but his hand goes through Axels hand Gus steps back "why can't I grab you" Axel sighed "Gus what I said back there when I was alive I was telling the truth and I know we never got a chance too become boyfriends but I wanna say this Thank you so so much for everything Gus I love you more than the stars you're able too count in the Infinite verse" Axel begins fading away goodbye and sweet dreams Gus tried running too grab him "don't leave me Axel! Axel don't leave me!" The floor opens Gus reaches up trying too grab Axels hand as Gus wakes up "Axel!" he was shook and had tears in his eyes "Gus is everything ok?" Hunter asks Gus begins wiping tears away "yea...yea I'm fine don't worry i just had a dream that's all" Hunter looked worried "ok then goodnight" Gus tries too fall back asleep and notices Axel's computer he goes too put it somewhere but almost lost his balance causing it too open he sees a few blogs
Blog 1
Axel|Age: 9
Oh my gosh guys I just met the greatest witches ever Gus Porter is especially adorable he's so sweet and so kind and funny I can't wait too see him again tomorrow schools gonna be so much
Blog 2
Axel|age: 10 part 1
So apparently I need too leave the boiling isles meaning I have to leave Hunter Willow and especially Gus and apparently my father sadly passed away this is just so hard too accept that I'm leaving my life behind all because of that awful @$$hole Belos I've got one week too tell Gus how I feel...would it be worth it? Let's find out
Blog 3
Axel|Age:10 part 2
I think this is the worst week of my life I'm not even sure if Willow Hunter and Gus are ok? I miss them so much they truly need too know how awful and how much of a b!tch Belos is..sorry I'm just realizing emotional today

Blog 4
Axel| Age: 12
So I now have a new siblings there all so sweet and have distracted from the fact i left the boiling isles...I just hope there all ok I wish I could've kissed Gus back
Gus goes too close the computer and watches the final blog he's shaken and tears in his eyes he's left speechless "h-he thinks he's ruined us!? He feels it's is fault that we were all in danger and now that we're stuck here..." he closes his eyes and makes an Axel illusion "Axel it's not your fault it was never ever your fault you didn't ruin anything I am so glad I-We got you back and I wanna say thank you for being the greatest friend everyone's ever asked for and I promise I'll try and move on" he goes too hug the illusion as it fades away again as he falls too his knees crying again "I love you too buddy" the full morning came and Luz says "let's get ready too rebuild" they all set out and attempt too rebuild it

Dead Axel auWhere stories live. Discover now